
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2008-07-29 02:07:22


1.我很忙,忙着可爱,忙着开心。I am very busy, busy and cute, busy and happy.

2.因为有你,今天的心情像阳光一样热烈。Because of you, today"s mood is as warm as the sun.

3.有你在身边的日子,一切都刚刚好。With your days around, everything is just fine.

4.心情好比什么都重要。A mood is better than anything else.

5.爱笑爱闹,成天嘻嘻哈哈,我就是这样女生。Love laughs and loves, all day, haha, I am such a girl.

6.我很容易满足,很容易快乐。你会喜欢我吗?I am easy to meet and it is easy to be happy. will you like me?

7.少女心是永远不好老了,我永远十八岁!The girl"s heart is never good, I am always 18 years old!

8.一想到你,脸上的笑容都藏不住了。When I think of you, the smile on my face can"t be hidden.

9.上天对我真好,给了太多,我一定好好珍惜。God is so good to me, I have given too much, I must cherish it.

10.可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑。Maybe the time is right, your eyes are smiling.

11.如果不能一夜暴富,两夜三夜也是可以的。If you can"t get rich overnight, two nights and three nights are fine.

12.人们常说,越长大越不容易快乐。而我恰恰相反,成天笑嘻嘻的。It is often said that the longer you grow up, the less likely you are to be happy. And on the contrary, I smiled all day long.

13.家人、朋友都在身边,心里总是暖暖的。Family and friends are always around, and my heart is always warm.

14.我没什么野心,只是单纯的想发个财而已。I have no ambitions, just want to make a fortune.

15.你快乐所以我快乐,我快乐都是你给的。You are happy, so I am happy, I am happy to give you.
