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人见人爱的超A拽句 霸气侧漏(与众不同 你值得拥有)

句子大全 2014-01-12 09:59:47

一、我心里是独栋别墅 你住吗。

My heart is a single-family villa.


Don"t talk about money, you say I"m free, talk about money, you say I"m realistic?


Can you cure a cold by hitting the nail on the head.


What is milk? Is it sweet

五、物质的女孩你养不起 不物质你宠不起。

You can"t support a material girl. You can"t pet a material girl.

六、心交朋友势交狗 人定规矩钱定人。

Make friends with your heart, make dogs with your heart, and make rules with your money.

七、如果道歉有用的话那要纪梵希圣罗兰 奥迪干嘛?

If an apology is useful, why do you want Givenchy Saint Laurent Audi?

八、冲一冲好友变老公 搏一搏妹妹变老婆。

Rush for a friend to become a husband, fight for a younger sister to become a wife

九、我没什么优点 就是能把你迷得神魂颠倒。

I don"t have any advantages, but I can fascinate you.

十、不公开你 是怕别人偷你。

If you don"t disclose it, you are afraid that others will steal you.

十一、我客客气气地对你 是希望你以同样的方式跟我相处 而不是来表演什么得寸进尺。

I"m polite todwe you because I want you to get along with me in the same way instead of pushing your luck.

十二、洗刷干净马子正 赏月带上身份证。

Wash the clean girl and enjoy the moon. Bring her ID card.

十三、The spiritual boy has many backgrounds and wears a suit and fights a lot.

十四、没有钱买不到快乐 你不快乐是因为你没有钱。

You can"t buy happiness without money. You are unhappy because you have no money

十五、我懂你玩的把戏 看得清楚你的套路 别急着沾沾自喜是我给你的优越。

I know your tricks. I can see your routine clearly. Don"t be so smug. It"s my superiority to you.


You should try your best to knock me down, not just beep in front of m

十七、拿别人痛处开玩笑 你别以为是幽默。

Make fun of other people"s pain. Don"t think it"s humor.

十八、声明一下:说脏话骂人的是我手机 与我本人无关。

For the record, it is my mobile phone that has nothing to do with me.

十九、你打字那么慢 是在查新华字典吗。

Are you looking up Xinhua Dictionary when you type so slowly?


Don"t play emotional cards and pretend to be affectionate players when they are all out to play.

二十一、你一生做错了两件事 一是生下来 二是活下去。

You have done two things wrong in your life, one is to be born and the other is to live.


You can"t get high and low with sweet words.


I can"t even break up with you. Do you think I love you enough?
