
日记大全 > 句子大全

简单走心的8个英文签名 清新脱俗(句句说进心坎)

句子大全 2015-10-06 02:28:43

一、无论白天遇到多么难过的事情,只要跑起来,心里朝着他的方向,我就觉得,哪怕整个世界都欺负我也没关系。No matter how sad things happen in the daytime, as long as we run and keep our heart in his direction, I think it"s OK to bully me even if the whole world bullies me

二、你的心就是我的海角和天涯,我不能去得更远,我们此生共赴天涯海角,不是游走半个地球,而是人间相伴。Your heart is my cape and Tianya, I can"t go further。We will go to Tianya in this life, not half the earth, but the company of the world

三、有一种感情叫做有缘无分,也许放弃也是另一种拥有,还没来得及好好看清你的心,你已经走过我的世界,带走了我所有的色彩。 There is a kind of feeling called fate, maybe giving up is another kind of owning,Before you can see your heart well, you have walked through my world and taken away all my colors

四、希望你别迷路了,希望你交到好朋友,希望你别再被人欺负,希望你幸福,希望你一个人,也能够坚强。Hope you don"t get lost, hope you make good friends, hope you don"t get bullied again, hope you are happy, hope you can be strong alone

五、也曾以为自己是那种敢爱敢恨,酷到不行的人,爱过之后才发现,拿得起放不下那个人是我;不管经历怎样的烦恼,都笑一个吧,每个人都有自己的难,没有人会喜欢一个多愁善感的你。I used to think that I was the kind of person who dared to love and hate. I was so cool that I couldn"t let go of that person. No matter what kind of troubles I experienced, smile. Everyone has their own difficulties. No one will like a sentimental you

六、其实,谁喜欢你,你能感觉得到,你喜欢谁,他对你爱不爱,在不在意,你也能感觉到,有时候,聪明如你,傻就傻在习惯欺骗自己。In fact, who likes you, you can feel it, who you like, whether he loves you or not. You can also feel it. Sometimes, if you are smart, you are stupid and used to deceive yourself

七、你会发现,自己一个人强大久了,遇到别人一点点关心就会莫名的温暖,误以为那就是爱,然后会拼命对人家更好,就是不到失望的时候,都不知道什么叫自作多情。You will find that when you have been strong for a long time, you will feel inexplicably warm when you encounter a little concern from others. You mistakenly think that it is love, and then you will try your best to be better to others. Even when you are not disappointed, you don"t know what it means to be amorous

八、时光总是匆匆流逝,而且不会重来,也不会如四季般的轮回!我们走过的时光只能一次,没有再一次的机会!Time is always passing in a hurry, and it will not come back, nor will it be reincarnated like the four seasons! We can only go through the time once, no chance again!
