
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-08-27 08:47:46




Dear Mike

It"s verv kind of vou to send me the present.Fist of al.I want to tell vou that i have received vou ait and vour emotions.I love the cit verv much because I know it"s a specialty from your country. I am very glad to have made a friend like you for your humor and optimistic attitude. After your leaving my country.I don"t know much about vour traumatic condition.Although I know it"s iust a sprain in the ankle.I care and I want to know whether vou recover oi not.I hope you can tell me later.As a friend from long distance,I may not contact with you frequently,so I hope everything is going well. I want you to take care of yourself and I would appreciate it if you come to China again-I would be a good guide.

Please write to me soon.

Yours, Zhang




When it comes to Hubei Province, what will go into your brain first? Everyone can"t have the same answer, but I believe that the Yellow Crane Towei must be one of the answers. Long time ago,a poet Cui Hao wrote a famous poem.Even today, this poet remains familiar to us Chinese people. We can"t bring the tower home, but we can bring a sculpture of the Yellow Crane Tower as a souvenir

As an old saying qoes, "if one doesn"t climb the Great Wall, he is not a hero." I think if one doesn"t come to the Yellow Crane Tower, he can"t say he has been to Wuhan.As a symbol of wuhan, Yellow Crane Tower is the best gift for you to take back home. Meanwhile, the sculpture is not only a good qift for your friend,but also a memory of the journey in Wuhan, which you can put on your cars

Our product is not expensive at all. lf you buy this souvenir by group, we can give you a discount so that it only costs 120 Yuan RMB.3.某国外旅游团在中国旅游期间因该团导游员擅自更改原定日程安排而未能游览计划中所列的某些景点。该旅游团领队回国后给中国组团社写了一封投诉信,讲述了事情的经过并表示了自己的不满。







Dear Mike,

Thanks for informing us the phenomenon that our tour quide changed your schedule without authorization.I have got your mail.First of all,I want to apologize for our mistake to disappoint you during your trip.I know when someone travels, what he wants is to appreciate and enjoy the magnificent scenic spot with the lead of the quide.Since our mistake, you have missed some of the scenic spots. Problems need to be solved. No sooner than we received youl etter, we started to investigate and verify this case.

We may need some time to deal with this case.He is one of our senior employees in our company, but if what your said is true, we will dismiss him at once.And we will certainly inform you of the result before next Friday by E-mail.

Since our mistake has caused the unhappv experience in vour trin.we want to do some remedy,if vou come to China again,we will present vou with a tour to Shanghai freely.I apologize again for our mistake.


Sheng Da co., ltd


