
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-07-12 14:03:44



As a result 结果是

As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.结果坏事变成了好事。As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.这场冲突使他同时失去了住所和生计来源。

For this reason 为此,由于这个原因,为此理由

I used it in my initial aspect demonstration code last month for this reason.因此,在上个月我的初始方面演示代码中,我使用了它。For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the time and place the symptoms occur.因此,关注症状发生的时间和地点是很重要的。

For this purpose 为了这个目的,为了什么事

Various insurance schemes already exist for this purpose.已经有各种保险计划可以实现这一目的。He"s come specially for this purpose.他是特为这件事来的。

Otherwise 否则,不然,除此以外,在其他方面

Don"t start giving me problems otherwise I"ll have to be very unpleasant indeed.不要开始给我找麻烦,否则我就不客气了。I"m lucky that I"m interested in school work, otherwise I"d go mad.我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。

Since 从…以后,自…以来,因为,由于,既然

Since I separated from my husband I have gone a long way.自从我和我丈夫分开后,我的生活发生了很大的变化。Since I"ll be away, I"d like to reschedule the meeting既然我到时候不在,我想重新安排一下会议的时间。Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很少和人交往。

Due to the fact that 因为事实上,由于某一事实

This is basically due to the fact that it contains antimicrobial properties.这基本上是由于这一事实,它包含的抗菌性能。Due to the fact that you are slow.因为你反应迟钝的事实。

Subsequently 随后,后来,之后,接着

Subsequently, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Hunan also took actions to deal with these problems.其后,上海、江苏、湖南等地也相继采取了类似的清查行动。Subsequently a chain of nuclear power stations was planned.接着设计了一系列的核电站。

This means that 这就是说,这意味着

This means that the referee"s decisions become all-important.这就意味着裁判员的裁决至关重要。This means that it has some redundancies.这意味着它将具有某些冗余。

Therefore 因此,所以,因而

It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.天下雨,足球赛因此而延期了。We therefore had to contrive a very large black-out curtain.因此我们得制作一块很大的遮光窗帘。

That is why 这就是为何,这就是原因

That is why I succeed.这就是为什么我现在成功了。That is why you know me not.因此你不认识我。

Because 因为,由于

He is called Mitch, because his name is Mitchell人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, you can"t build on it考虑到这一带自然风光旖旎,你不能建在这里。

So that/then 所以,因此,以便

So that he could then claim to be the one who could prevent it.这样他可以说他自己可以来避免袭击。You have to carry a bleeper so that they can call you in at any time.你要随身带着寻呼机,以便他们随时呼你。


