
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-03-25 07:29:35

在错误的时间遇到正确的人我很伤心; 在正确的时间遇到错误的人,是叹息; 在正确的时间遇见正确的人,一生都很幸福。

I was sad to meet the right person at the wrong time; In the right time to meet the wrong person, is a sigh; Meet the right person at the right time and you"ll be happy all your life.

有你在,我很高兴,放心,我真的很迷恋你,为你心痛,伤心。 不敢变心,别多疑,早就被你打动了。

Have you in, I am very happy, rest assured, I am really infatuated with you, heartache for you, sad. Don"t change your mind. Don"t be paranoid. I was moved by you.


I"m melting in your mouth like a chocolate you sent me.

我没有珍惜。 有机会的话,我想和她说那三句话。 我爱你。 如果给这个约定的期限,我就是---万年。

I didn"t cherish it. I"d like to say those three words to her if I get the chance. I love you. If give this agreement time limit, I am -- ten thousand years.

我喜欢手掌握着手的感觉。 我想和你爱到老,一生相随。 请原谅我的任性和刻薄。 我爱你。

I like to feel my hands holding my hands. I want to love you to the old, life together. Please forgive me for being wayward and mean. I love you.

我喜欢看你睡觉的样子。 因为那时的你没有烦恼。 我喜欢你对我笑的样子。 因为那个时候你最开心。 我只希望你开心。

I love watching you sleep. Because you had no worries then. I like the way you smile at me. Because that"s when you"re happiest. I just want you to be happy.


I"m just lying at your feet like a puppy that loves you

我知道! 但是,我没有办法。 这桩婚姻是上天安排的,我们就听天由命吧。

I know! But I can"t help it. This marriage is an act of providence, so let"s leave it to it.

一切都是暂时的,一切都会消失; 我觉得去世了又很可爱。

Everything is temporary, everything will disappear; I think it"s cute to be dead.


With the lightest voice in the world, call your name, write your name, draw your name, dream your name.


I shall hold you close in my arms and kiss you a thousand times as passionately as I do on the equator.

我对你的爱就像滔滔不绝的河流,黄河泛滥不可收拾,仿佛日落西山闪耀。 我觉得你爱你。 我不能没有你。 我一定会得到你。

My love for you is like an endless river, the Yellow River is overflowing, like the sunset shining in the west. I think you love you. I can"t live without you. I will have you.

我的恋人日没有恋人。 只有我的妻子。 她是我最喜欢的今天,明天,在我死之前我的心里只有她。 我真的爱你!

There are no lovers on my lover"s day. Just my wife. She is my favorite today, tomorrow, before I die I will only think of her. I really love you!

如果不向你求婚的话,会后悔一辈子的。 因为你是我的唯一。

If I don"t propose to you, I"ll regret it for the rest of my life. Because you"re the only one for me.


The sky changes and the earth changes, the sea changes, the world changes, the only eternal thing is - my love for you, my love for you is already drunk for you.

我爱的人名花有主,爱我的人很悲惨,不是在放纵中变坏,而是在沉默中变态。 献给——情人节!

The person I love has a master, the person who loves me is very miserable, not become bad in indulgence, but abnormal in silence. For -- Valentine"s Day!

我爱过你。 爱情的火焰可能还没有完全在我心中熄灭。 但是,不要让这份爱再让你不安了。 我不想让任何地方担心你。 我默默地,无望地爱了。

I loved you. The flame of love may not have been completely extinguished in me. But don"t let this love upset you any more. I don"t want anywhere to worry about you. I loved silently and hopelessly.


Dear husbands remember that after they got married, if he didn"t send his wife flowers on Valentine"s Day, she would put vegetables in a vase at home.


If my love for you brings you sorrow, I will let you temporarily stop, but I will always be here waiting!
