
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-06-06 00:48:10

一、如果有一天我不再频繁地发微博和朋友圈 不再写状态我想那时候的我一定很幸福因为想说话的人一定在我身边——摘自网易云热评《找到你》

If one dayI no longer frequently tweet and circle of friends and no longer write statusI think I must have been very happy thenBecause the person who wants to speak must be beside me-- excerpt from "finding you", a popular online review

二、女孩子吗,自信、上进、有出息为值得的人付出好好打扮,保持微笑,马上那个满眼都是你的人就来拥抱你了。——网易云热评 《年少心事》

Girls? Confident, ambitious, promisingGive to those who deserve itDress well, smile,Immediately that person who is full of youI"m here to hug you. -- netease cloud review wang yibo "young mind"


Choose what you love for the first half of your lifeThe rest of the years love their choice -- from "this life about your landscape"


One of these daysYou will let go of today"s persistence and reluctanceWith some regret,Go to startLive a new life without that person. -- netease cloud music review "happy cloudy day"


May you have a dream as a horse, live up to your yearsMay you go through a thousand sails, return still youngWish you all the luck you can imagineMay someone accompany you wherever you go, as you look forward to. -- netease cloud music review "the youth is still there"


My blood is getting colder and colder, and my heart is getting harder and harder, because it has scalded others when it was hot, and received a knife when it was weak.-- netease cloud review wall music "give me time"

七、我希望明天是晴天,希望坚持的事情总能换来结果,希望在我准备好的时候,一切如期而至。 ——网易云音乐热评《纸短情长》

I hope that tomorrow will be sunny. I hope that the things I insist on will always bring results. I hope that when I am ready, everything will come as expected.-- netease cloud music hot review "paper short feeling long"

八、都忘了咱俩多久没说话了,也快忘了,当初为什么有那么多话跟你说。——网易云音乐热评《All In My Mind 》

I"ve forgotten how long it"s been since we last spoke, and I"m about to forget why I had so much to say to you in the first place.-- netease cloud music review "All In My Mind"


You finally believe that there will be such a person in your life. Even if desperate, even if all he has, even if you die, you can not go to the end with him. -- netease cloud music review "the original"


It"s not like you"re making a movie. You don"t have to wait a few years for someone.


