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“What is(wrong”意为“怎么了” 与它意思相同的句型还有这些)

句子大全 2010-12-03 06:07:31

询问“怎么了;出什么事了;哪儿不舒服”除了“What is wrong?”还有这些句型,你知道吗?

1. What"s the matter (with sb./sth.)?

eg:- What"s the matter,with mom?妈妈怎么了?

-She has a sore back. 她背疼。

-What"s the matter with your bike, Mary?你的自行车出什么事情了,玛丽?

-It doesn"t work. 它坏了。

2. What"s the trouble (with sb./sth.)?

eg:- What"s the trouble with Lily?丽丽出什么事情了?

-She has a toothache. 她牙疼。

3. What"s one"s trouble?

eg:- What"s his trouble?他怎么了?

-He has a stomachache. 他胃疼。

4. What happened (to sb./sth.)?

eg:- What happened to your parents?你的父母怎么了?

-They both hurt themselves, my father has,a pain in his chest and mother hurt her head. 他们都受伤了,爸爸胸口疼,妈妈头疼。

5. What is going on?

eg:- What is going on, Jack?杰克,怎么了?

-Look, my watch is broken. 看,我的手表坏了。

6. Is/Are+主语+ok?

eg:-Is Lucy ok?露西没事吧?

-Are you ok?你没事吧?

7. Is there anything wrong with sb./sth.?

eg:- Is there anything wrong with you?你有什么事吗?

-There is something wrong with my right ear. 我的右耳有毛病。

以上内容就是本节跟大家分享的与“What is wrong”(怎么了)意思相同的句型,希望伙伴们喜欢,我是小陇,记得关注哦,更多学习干货,持续更新中。
