
日记大全 > 句子大全

全网最火 简短霸气(高逼格的社会语录)

句子大全 2008-05-19 18:56:09

1. 刀不锋利马太瘦,你拿什么跟我斗。

If it"s not sharp, Matthew is too thin, what are you going to fight me with.

2. 我的草原,我的马,我想咋耍就咋耍。

Grassland, my horse, I can play with it all I want.

3. 人心不足蛇吞象,没有实力你别上。

The human heart is not enough, the snake swallows the elephant, does not have the strength, you do not go.

4. 辉煌时刻人人有,别拿一刻当永久。

Everyone is different in the light moment, take the moment as permanent.

5. 立场简单,我的别碰。

Simple position. Don"t touch mine.

6. 天气干脾气躁,我不微笑,你别闹。

The weather is dry and tempered, I don"t smile, don"t make trouble.

7. 让我跌倒不算本事,有本事你别让我站起来。

I"m not good at falling. Don"t make me stand up if I can.

8. 这个社会没有对与错,只有强与弱。

There is no right or wrong in this society, only strong and weak.

9. 花天酒地是社会,人间正道是沧桑。下山豺狼猛于虎,要想辉煌拿命赌。大恩大德我记着,大仇大恨你等着。有朝一日我得天,定要血染半边天。

The land of flowers and wine is the society, and the right path of the world is the vicissitudes of life. Going down the mountain, the wolf is in the tiger. If you want to be brilliant and gamble on the great grace, I remember the great hatred. You wait for one day, I will let the blood dye half Ran sky.

10. 不会烧香得罪神,不会说话得罪人。

Will not burn incense to offend God, will not speak to offend people.

11. 务求到处人情好,不饮随他酒价高。

Be sure to have a good relationship everywhere, do not drink with his high price of wine.

12. 几番沉浮,终于醒悟,原来江湖,没有胜负。

After several ups and downs, I finally realized that the original rivers and lakes did not win or lose.

13. 当有人瞧不起我的时候,我一般都默不作声,也不反驳,因为他已经躺在地上了。

When someone looks down on me, I usually don"t say anything, and I don"t refute it, because he is already lying on the ground.

14. 红粉佳人休说老,风流浪子莫叫贫。

Pink lady Hugh said old, vagrant son do not call poor.

15. 装逼只是瞬间,不要脸才是永恒。

Pretending to be only an instant, shameless is eternal.
