
日记大全 > 句子大全

唯美高级的情感文案 高级而个性(温柔又治愈)

句子大全 2011-04-07 06:46:05


Even if fate makes you inevitably die before you get the final victory, my love! Then you will die. Because death is success and victory. Everything is with me, everything is with love.


Life is like an angry bird. Every time I fail, there are always a few pigs laughing.


You can have a thousand reasons to be defeated, but as long as there is one reason, you must stand up strongly!


No matter how strong a person is, there must be some weaknesses in his heart. When touched, he will be broken and hurt. Because we didn"t want to get hurt, we put on masks and armed forces, trying to hide our fragile side. However, the more we hide, the more we are exposed when we are discovered. The more you dare not face the pain, the more painful the wound is when you are stabbed. The person who is least vulnerable to injury is not the strongest person, but the person who is most honest with himself.


Life is like a passer. Come and go happily. Most importantly, grasp the present!


I was told that fish"s memory is only 7 seconds. After 7 seconds, it doesn"t remember the past, and everything is new. Therefore, the fish in that small fish tank will never be bored. I"d rather be a fish. I"ll forget everything in seven seconds. People I met and things I did may disappear. But I"m not a fish. I can"t forget the people I love, the pain I care about, and the pain of lovesickness.


God created fingerprints because he wanted people to know that everyone has scars!


Some things, put down gently, may not be easy. Some people, deeply remembered, may not be happy. Some pain, light cheer up, not necessarily don"t experience. Rough road, warm and stormy life around you, give yourself a smile. Life means understanding and understanding, putting happiness in your heart, melting quietly and spreading slowly!


Go forward, walk through the scenery that does not belong to you, unique, not aesthetic but mood; Harvest is not vicissitudes but peace.


Some people say that life is a kind of enjoyment; Some people say that life is a kind of helplessness. In fact, life has both enjoyment and helplessness, both satisfaction and confusion. Life is like a green fruit. If you put it in your mouth and chew it carefully, many flavors will spread on your tongue, which will be sweet, sour, bitter and astringent.
