
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-06-09 05:35:25


1. offer [主动提出,自愿给予]

用法:offer sb sth; offer sth to sb; offer to do sth.

例句:Peter often offers me help when something worries me. 有事困扰我时,Peter经常给我提供帮助。

2. discuss [讨论,议论]

用法:discuss sth with sb.

例句:He was discussing the future plan with classmates just now. 他刚才在和同学们讨论未来计划。

3. reach [到达;伸手够到]

用法:reach +sp(地点)

例句:It took us 2 hours to reach Shanghai. 我们花了两小时到上海。

4. arrive [到达]

用法:arrive in +大地点;arrive at +小地点

例句:When did you arrive in New York? 你什么时候到纽约?

5. provide [提供]

用法:provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb.

例句:Nature provides fresh air for us. 大自然给我们提供新鲜的空气。

6. explain [解释]

用法:explain sth to sb.

例句:Sandy is patient enough to explain everything to me. Sandy真耐心,给我解释一切。

7. reply [回复]

用法:reply to sb.

例句:My father was busy replying to his workmates. 我爸爸忙着给他同事回复。

8. prepare [准备]

用法:prepare... for...

例句:My mother prepares breakfast for me every morning. 我妈妈每天早上为我准备早饭。

9. succeed [成功]

用法:succeed in doing sth.

例句:He succeeded in passing the final exam at last. 他最后成功通过了期末考试。

10. divide [分,划分]

用法:divide... into...

例句:Mr Wu divides us into three groups. 吴老师把我们分成了三个组。

11. stop [停止]

用法:stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情; stop to do sth. 停止下来去做另一件事。

例句:Why not stop to have a rest? 为什么不停下来休息一会呢?

She is so tired, she should stop practice playing the piano. 她太累了,应该别练琴了。

12. forget [忘记]

用法: forget doing sth. 忘记做过的事情; forget to do sth. 忘记要去做的事

例句:She has such bad memory that she forgets having picnics with us. 她记性太差了,都忘记和我们一起野炊过了。

Don"t forget to bring in snacks and drinks. 别忘记带零食和饮料过来。

13. hope [希望]

用法:hope to do sth; hope sb will/ can do sth.

例句:Most parents hope their children can study harder. 大多数父母希望自己的孩子能够学习刻苦些。

14. marry [嫁,娶]

用法:marry sb. ; be/get married to sb;

例句:She married a rich man. 她嫁给了一个富人。

15. leave [使...处于某种状态]

用法:leave ... doing...

例句:Please don"t leave the tap running after you wash hands. 洗完手请记得关水龙头。

