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句子大全 2010-09-24 16:37:15

懒惰会使你与时序脱节,让你步出生命的行列。 ——纪伯伦

Laziness can make you out of touch with time and step out of life. ——Gibran


Whether we are successful or not depends on different people"s opinions. We only stay in the world for a short period of time. Happiness should be the criterion in everything. ——Yishu

过了十八岁,谁还会为一朵云一阵风一枝玫瑰一句絮语而笑。 都是牙膏筒里的假笑,适当的时候挤一些出来应用。——亦舒

After 18 years old, who will smile for a cloud, a gust of wind, a rose and a whisper. It"s all fake smiles in toothpaste tubes. Squeeze some out when appropriate. ——Yishu

每个人都不是一座孤岛,一个人必须是这世界上最坚固的岛屿,然后才能成为大陆的一部分。 ——海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》

Many processes of life begin in one play and end in another. ---Bai luomei"s time is quiet and the world is stable

人生的许多过程就是在一场戏中开始,又在另一场戏中落幕的。 --- 白落梅 《岁月静好 现世安稳》

就算人生是出悲剧,我们要有声有色地演这出悲剧,不要失掉了悲剧的壮丽和快慰;就算人生是个梦,我们也要有滋有味地做这个梦,不要失掉了梦的情致和乐趣。——尼采 《悲剧的诞生》

Even if life is a tragedy, we should play the tragedy with sound and color, and not lose the magnificence and comfort of the tragedy; even if life is a dream, we should have this dream with interest, and not lose the passion and fun of the dream. ——Nietzsche"s the birth of tragedy

我带着我的热情,我的冷漠,我的狂暴,我的温和, 以及对爱情毫无理由地相信,走得上气不接下气。我结结巴巴地对他说:你叫什么名字。从你叫什么名字开始,后来,有了一切。——梵高

With my passion, my indifference, my fury, my gentleness, and my unwarranted belief in love, I went out of breath. I stammered to him: what"s your name. From what"s your name, then everything. ——Van Gogh


What brings us to the past is memories, and what brings us to the future is dreams. ——Time machine


On the road of life, there will always be some unexpected situations, which will take life away from the established track. We call it the turning point of life. Some turn, let you get, get new sustenance and hope; some turn, let you lose, so as to understand what life can not lose. ——My other life


Go far enough and you will meet yourself. ——David Mitchell

好多事就像雨天打着的伞,你冲进房间就狼狈仓促地把它收起来扔在了一角,那褶皱里仍夹着这夜的雨水。过来了很久再撑开,一股发潮的气息扑鼻而来,即使是个晴天,也会令你想起那场遥远的雨。——七堇年 《尘曲》

Many things are like umbrellas in rainy days. When you rush into the room, you put it away in a hurry and throw it in a corner. The folds still contain the rain of the night. Come over for a long time and then open, a tidal breath comes, even if it is a sunny day, it will remind you of the distant rain. ——Dust song in the seventh year


There is no boring life, only boring attitude towards life -- Liu Yu


