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句子大全 2019-02-04 04:07:49

14 Phrasal Verbs with HANG (with Meaning and Examples) 英语中14个带HANG的短语动词含义和例句

Learn common phrasal verbs with Hang with meaning and examples in English. 学习常见的短语动词,其中含有英语含义和例句。

Hang about

Meaning: Stay, linger or loiter 停留,逗留或闲逛Example: If you hang about after the show, you can meet the cast. 如果你在演出结束后到处闲逛,你可以见到演员们。Hang about

Meaning: Spend time or be friends 花时间或做朋友Example: My daughter likes to hang about with older kids after school. 我女儿放学后喜欢和大孩子们在一起。Hang on

Meaning: Wait a moment (usually imperative) 等一下(通常是必须的)Example: Hang on. Let me check 坚持下去。让我查一下Hang on

Meaning: Hold, grasp, or grip 抓住,抓住或抓住Example: Hang on to the handle so you don’t drop it. 抓住把手,这样你就不会掉下去了。Hang on

Meaning: Keep; to store something for someone 保持;为某人储存东西Example: Hang on to my jacket until I get back. 在我回来之前,别松手。Hang on

Meaning: Pay close attention 密切关注Example: The audience hangs on his every word. 听众全神贯注地听着他说的每一个字。Hang on

Meaning: Continually believe in something; to have faith in 不断地相信某事;相信Example: He’s got a philosophy he hangs on to. 他坚持自己的哲学。Hang on

Meaning: Persevere 坚持Example: Just hang on and keep going; this pain won’t last forever. 坚持下去,继续前进;这种痛苦不会永远持续下去。Hang out

Meaning: Spend time doing nothing in particular 花时间什么都不做Example: He hung out with his friends all day yesterday. 他昨天一整天都和朋友们在一起。Hang out

Meaning: Be unyielding; to hold out 是不屈的;坚持Example: The juryman hangs out against an agreement. 陪审员故意拖延未达成协议。Hang over

Meaning: Be threatening, to be imminent 威胁,迫在眉睫Example: A shadow of doubt hung over my academic future. 我的学术前途笼罩着一丝疑虑。Hang together

Meaning: Be self-consistent 自洽Example: The story does not hang together. 这个故事不连贯。Hang up

Meaning: Put up to hang 挂起来Example: I hung up my wash on the line. 我把洗好的衣服挂在绳子上。Hang up

Meaning: Terminate a telephone call 结束电话Example: When my mother started telling me to be careful over the phone, I threatened to hang up on her. 当我妈妈开始在电话里告诉我要小心时,我威胁要挂断她的电话。Useful phrasal verbs with HANG in English. 英语中有用的短语动词和HANG。
