
日记大全 > 句子大全

送给自己的治愈文案 温情而文艺(似艳阳般暖心)

句子大全 2012-07-28 05:35:35

I always like people with faint melancholy temperament, like their eyes and their faces, and the words written by these people are also faint melancholy, telling their stories and their melancholy.


When we don"t understand love, we miss the purest love. When we seem to understand love, there is no pure love around us. Life, always so strange, every stage will encounter different love. In fact, love has not changed, but we are changing, and our mentality is changing, so that what kind of person you are, what kind of love will come.


Some people"s lives are through trains, while others are local trains, which always pass through many stops and experience many people. Someone always gets off the wrong station and sits over his head, either missing the scenery outside the window or missing the people around him. No one knows who will be the one who can accompany himself to the terminal. Can people who love each other really reach the end of their lives all the way?


Don"t say to see you, just think of you, also can faint smile.


Years are like a river, the left bank is an unforgettable memory, the right bank is a youth worth grasping, and the middle is a faint sadness of youth. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many of them really belong to themselves.


Even though we can"t grow old together, it"s a good thing that we meet, know and love each other in this life. The happiest thing is that there are traces of you in my life.


There are only so many places around a person, and there are only so many places you can give. In this narrow circle, some people want to come in, while others have to leave.


One day, I will give up my struggle, let go of your hand and let you fly.


"I"m not going to talk to you over and over again, and you don"t have to make a fuss about it."


When destruction is coming, its precursor is often madness.

