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句子大全 2010-11-02 14:46:40

Phrasal Verbs with PLAY (with Meaning and Examples) 英语中PLAY的短语动词含义和例子

List of common phrasal verbs with PLAY with meaning and examples in English. 具有PLAY意义和英语示例的常见短语动词列表。

Play along

Meaning: Take part in a charade, deception, or practical joke 参与游戏,欺骗或恶作剧Example: James played along with the frat boys. 詹姆斯和兄弟会男孩一起比赛。Play around

Meaning: Behave in a silly, or childish, or irresponsible way 以愚蠢,幼稚或不负责任的方式行事Example: Stop playing around, and get on with your homework. 停止游戏,继续做作业。Play around

Meaning: Work with in a non-serious manner 以非认真的方式工作Example: You could build even more interesting components called amplifiers and begin playing around with amplifiers. 您可以构建更有趣的组件,称为放大器,并开始使用放大器。Play at

Meaning: Pretend to be a different person while playing a game 在玩游戏时假装成一个不同的人Example: So we played at being pirates for a while. 所以我们在海盗中玩了一段时间。Play at

Meaning: Do something in a manner that lacks seriousness, commitment, or professionalism 以缺乏认真,承诺或专业精神的方式做某事Example: In my opinion, John only plays at being an author. He hasn’t sold more than two magazine articles in as many months. 在我看来,John只扮演作者的角色。 他在几个月内没有销售超过两篇杂志文章。Play down

Meaning: Make or attempt to make something seem less important, likely, or obvious 制造或尝试使某些东西看起来不那么重要,可能或显而易见Example: The senator played down the threat of a recession. 参议员淡化了经济衰退的威胁。Play off

Meaning: Pretend not to be embarrassed, upset, impressed or otherwise affected by something 假装不被某些东西尴尬,沮丧,印象深刻或受其他影响Example: Although he’s obviously hung over, he’s trying to play it off as food poisoning. 虽然他显然已经过来了,但他正试图把它当成食物中毒。Play out

Meaning: Play music to accompany the end of, or as a final segment in (a programme, broadcast etc.) 在(节目、广播等)的结尾或最后一段播放音乐。Example: And now, to play us out, please welcome Tom Waits. 现在,为了让我们玩完,请欢迎Tom wait。Play out

Meaning: Occur in a certain manner 以某种方式发生Example: My date playedout a little differently than I imagined. 我的约会结果和我想象的有点不同。Play up

Meaning: Misbehave 表现不好Example: Children who do not receive enough attention may begin to play up. 得不到足够关注的孩子可能会开始玩耍。Play up

Meaning: Make or attempt to make something appear more important, likely or obvious; to showcase or highlight 使或试图使某事显得更重要、更有可能或更明显;展示或突出Example: For the audition, Nicole will play up her skill as a pianist by playing Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Bach. 在海选中,妮可将演奏巴赫的作品《耶稣的喜悦》来提高她作为钢琴家的技巧。Useful phrasal verbs with PLAY. 有用的短语动词与游戏。
