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向年底冲刺 这10句激励人心励志语录(反复品读 让你冲劲满满)

句子大全 2018-11-23 02:46:40


01、你要偷偷的努力,希望自己也能成为别人的梦想。把努力当成你的一种习惯而不是你的一时的热血。You have to work hard secretly, hoping that you can become someone else"s dream. Take effort as your habit, not your passion.

02、你知道吗?半途而废的背后,有千万借口,而成功的背后,却只有一种理由,那就是坚持!Behind the half done, there are thousands of excuses, and behind the success, there is only one reason, that is to persist!

03、因为喷泉的高度不会超过它的源头;所以一个人的成就不会超过他的信念。The height of a fountain will not exceed its source; a man"s achievements will not exceed his faith

04、生活就是一个磨练的过程,如果没有这些酸甜苦辣,你永远都不会成熟!Life is a process of tempering, if you do not have these ups and downs, you will never mature!

05、坚持住,不气馁,人生就是永不放弃。只要朝着目标走,你就是在前进!Don"t be discouraged, life is never giving up. As long as we go towards the goal, we are moving forward!

06、起点固然是重要的,但绝对不是成功的唯一因素。好的起点,或许可以让我们少奋斗好几年,但最终要持续的成功一定是要靠自己的。Starting point is important, but it is not the only factor of success. A good starting point may make us less struggle for several years, but in the end, we must rely on ourselves to achieve sustained success.

07、记住:没有风浪 ,就不能显示帆的本色; 没有曲折 ,就无法品味人生的乐趣。Without wind and waves, we can"t show the true colors of sails; without twists and turns, we can"t taste the fun of life

08、生活不亏待每一个努力向上的人,没有太晚的开始,不如就从今天开始行动。Life doesn"t treat everyone who is trying to make progress. It"s better to start from today instead of starting too late.

09、坚持住!你离成功只差最后一越,不能因为累了就停下,不能因为失落了就停下,你会完成最后一越,继续前进。You are only one step away from success. You can"t stop because you are tired or you can"t stop because you are lost. You will finish the last step and move on.

10、最后,请你相信,只要内心充满喜悦,那么好运就会向你接踵而来!Please believe that as long as the heart is full of joy, then good luck will follow!

