
日记大全 > 句子大全

带着忧伤的情感文案 温柔治愈(简单又文艺)

句子大全 2012-12-24 02:07:41

I thought butterflies couldn"t fly through the sea, because butterflies didn"t have the courage to fly through the sea. Later, I found that it wasn"t butterflies that couldn"t fly through the sea, but the other side of the sea, and there was no waiting.


Winter, spring and autumn pass quickly, but why am I still waiting for you?


With the change of years, in the interlacing of light and shadow, a meeting with time is performed, dancing on the dust and wind, with clear sound curled up. Looking back on the road we first met, the grass grows and the warbler flies, which makes our most beautiful meeting. If possible, in this life, plant a flowering tree in each other"s hearts, listen to the sound of flowers together, brighten each other"s life, celebrate the rest of their lives for years, clear their eyes and look forward to it, listen to the wind, bloom brightly and sing sadness.


When you didn"t come, waiting was a torment. Quietly leaving is a small punishment for you. The future is far away, and now we should be people who keep time.


I forgot that you are no longer mine, but I am still used to waiting for your good night.


Waiting, I have been waiting, I believe, you will turn your head and come back to me.


I don"t want to wait for happiness. Now I practice it every dull day.


When your fingertips pass by, you become the warmth of my life. No one will wait for you in the same place. If you miss it, you will never come back. If your heart moves, you can think of yourself and meet, so that the picturesque fleeting time will have a meaningful taste, just like the wind will remember the fragrance of a flower, and the rain will remember the freshness of a green leaf. In this world, there are always some things, the longer they are aloes, the never they will grow old. Looking back, a shallow smile is a happy and beautiful one.


Want to take a bath? Don"t wait outside for rain; Want to succeed? Don"t wait for opportunities to come.


I"m waiting. I"m looking forward to how warm the first sentence you said to me will make me cry like the Korean drama hostess.

