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马云的英语句句经典 访谈节目如此“放纵”(鼓舞人心 值得学习)

句子大全 2011-02-01 06:56:03


1.Don"t try to be the best,be the first.Be the first to change,be the first to take the challenge,be the first to overcome the difficulties.不要试图成为最好的,做第一个。做第一个改变的人,做第一个接受挑战的人,做第一个克服困难的人。

2.don’t give up,believe it because you are so unique.Everyone is so unique,be yourself is always the key.不要放弃,相信它,因为你是如此独特。每个人都是如此独特,做你自己永远是最重要的。

3.This world today is full of challenges and opportunities. 2,000 years ago,full of challenges and opportunities.2,000 years later,full of challenges and opportunities.There are always....It depends on how you look at it.当今世界充满挑战和机遇。2000年前,充满了挑战和机遇。2000年后,充满了挑战和机遇。总是有挑战和机遇。这取决于你如何看待它们。

4.Somebody looks at this challenge as an opportunity,young people say there are no opportunities.有人把挑战看作一次机会,年轻人却说没有机会。

5.Opportunities always lies in the challenges ,always lies in complaints. If you can solve the challenges,you will be successful.机遇总是隐藏于挑战中,总是隐藏于抱怨中。如果你能解决这些挑战,你就会成功。

6.The bigger challenge you solve,but bigger opportunity you have.你解决的挑战越大,但你拥有的机会也就越大。

7.Life is a journey.You come to this world to enjoy life,to be happier and healthier.人生是一段旅程。你来到这个世界是为了享受生活,为了更快乐、更健康。

8.Health and happiness are the things that human beings are always looking for.Living longer does not necessarily mean living healthier.健康和幸福是人类一直追求的东西。活得长并不一定意味着活得更健康。
