
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2009-06-14 19:34:17



Language: Product or Instrument


In working environment, language is product when the purpose is to communicate information in the end. If language is just used to exchange messages to facilitate the success of a task, it is instrument. This distinction is crucial because it determines what kinds of other skills and qualities a language user needs in his or her ability mix and the necessary level that all these skills and qualities need to reach.


The first thing needs to be considered in discussion is the classification of language itself and the relationship between different types of language. Language can be divided to spoken and written languages. The basis of the classification is the media used in language. Spoken language is transmitted through sound while written language needs to use alphabetical letters or characters. Then the development in their use makes spoken language simple and clear and written language complicated and profound, which results in the distinction in style. And now comes a paradoxical mismatch, i.e. the overlapping in the two dimensions of medium and style causes difficulty in defining spoken and written language. For example, television news broadcasts and public speeches are in fact stylistically written language produced through the medium of sound while novels and dramas are spoken language literalized and recorded in writing.


Another important distinction in language is native and foreign language. In language use, good proficiency of native language is necessary. In order to adapt to modern social life, a person needs good listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability in his or her native language to effectively express him- or herself in complex social environment and then achieve success in career. This is because social development shapes unique linguistic context for all kinds of working environments and forms specific rules of language use. The various occasions that a person meets in his or her daily life are in fact the working environment of other people. And they comprise a whole complex social environment just mentioned when added together. Therefore, the problems of a native language user are not about language itself but about pragmatics or language use. Namely, he or she needs to learn to identify and use a fixed combination of discourses in spoken and written languages selected for certain social environment.


All contemporary education systems take foreign language as an important subject. As English is the world language in reality, it is taken as the primary foreign language in education in countries where English is not an official language.


Foreign language ability is not a necessary one in daily life. After all, only a small number of people truly live with foreigners in internationalized social environment. So foreign language is generally only used in working environment. The conclusions above are useful when we try to see the situations of foreign language use in different occupations. Namely, whether work results created with foreign language are product or instrument, spoken or written, and whether or not native tongue is used at the same time or all these happens together.


A foreign language teacher is somehow a miraculous being. First of all, as a teacher, he or she needs to have good native and foreign language proficiency and good expressive ability in spoken and written languages. He or she needs to speak well in public in classroom teaching. At this moment, native tongue is instrument and foreign language is both instrument and product. When processing curriculum design and teaching materials, he or she needs to have good writing ability and both native tongue and foreign language are part of product. When exchanging with students and their parents, he or she needs to express him- or herself well in spoken language with native tongue.


Translation in general is classified into interpretation and translation in writing. There are elementary, intermedia and advanced levels to show different abilities and meet different work requirements. In translation, language is taken as product. Both native and foreign languages are used. However, in reality, a translator is often regarded as an auxiliary position to daily general affairs in a company. In addition to interpretation and translation, he or she needs to handle matters related to foreign affairs and foreign trade, such as receiving visitors and clearing customs for goods. So this type of translator also needs to take language as both product and instrument. Translator and interpreter in the real sense truly emerge only after translation service develops into a specialized industry.


In actuality, there are many other areas that use foreign languages and produce in foreign language, such as law, finance, media and publication. But these industries have their own expertise as fundamental content in production, so foreign language is in essence instrument. Foreign affairs, foreign trade and tourism also use foreign language as instrument for handling international matters. But I am not in a good position to discuss these as I do not really get involved in the working environment of these industries and most of the courses I have taken in school many years ago have already faded in my brains.
