
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2007-12-22 07:43:59


Flip a coin. If you break it, you won"t have dinner today


Other girls just want to be spoiled, I just want to fight you

三,吃好喝好,长生不老,白白胖胖 ,充满希望

Eat and drink well, live forever, fat and full of hope


If you like me, just blink your eyes. If you don"t like me, put your left leg on the right shoulder. If you like me, blink your eyes. If you don"t like me, put your left leg on the right shoulder


I"m a loved one, so you can call me a loved one


The glass fell from the upstairs in the middle of the night and said, "Good night, I am broken


Every other girl is trying to be a spoiled brat, and I just want to fight you


If you like me, put your head on your neck


Day and night memory will decline, it is true, because day and night memory will decline, in fact, the biggest injury is that memory will decline, and memory will decline

十,我叫派大星,我的邻居是章鱼哥 ,我的好朋友是海绵宝宝

My name is Pai Da Xing, my neighbor is octopus brother, my good friend is SpongeBob SquarePants

十一,如果有一天你想哭 请打电话给我 让我知道你也有今天.

If one day you want to cry, please call me and let me know that you have today.

十二,谈恋爱真的很麻烦 所以以后....就麻烦你啦

It"s really troublesome to fall in love, so in the future, I will trouble you

十三,我有一个问题 如果一个女孩最近胖了 但是她很可爱很善良 那她今晚可以吃火锅吗

I have a question. If a girl has put on weight recently, but she is very lovely and kind, can she eat hot pot tonight


I knew the years would smooth my edges, but I didn"t think it would rub me against the ground

十五,有了马甲线 我就回从小熊软糖变成小熊硬糖 所以我是不会练的

With the vest line, I"m going back from gummy bear to gummy bear, so I"m not practicing

十六,因为有你在 一切都有意义.

Because with you, everything makes sense.


Only parents and future can not live up to

十八,这个世界不会因为你是女孩子 就对你温柔

The world won"t be gentle with you just because you"re a girl

十九,想忘掉一个人 一个新欢 一个时间 可你知道吗 旧爱永远是爱 新欢永远是欢

Want to forget a person, a new love, a time, but you know what, old love is always love, new love is always joy


I hope that in the future, I will not be tossed in my feelings

二十一,有两种人特别可爱一种是记性不太好的 还有一种我忘了

There are two kinds of people who are particularly cute, one with a bad memory and the other I forgot
