
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2015-01-12 17:46:14

1. 哈利:我不在乎,哪里都比这里好。

Harry Potter: I don"t care! Anywhere"s better than here.


Dumbledore: But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.

3. 卢平:你最恐惧的其实是恐惧本身。

Remus Lupin: That suggests that what you fear most of all... is fear itself.

4. 斯内普:是卢平,你是出来散步欣赏满月的吗?

Severus Snape: Well, well, Lupin, out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?

5. 特里劳妮:他将会在今晚回来。今晚,那个背叛朋友的人、心灵被腐蚀的杀人凶手会平安逃走。无辜的人会流下鲜血,奴仆和主人会再次相逢。

6. 小天狼星:我宁愿死,也不会背叛朋友。

Sirius: I would die, rather than betray my friends!

7. 小天狼星:我永远不会忘记第一次走进学校的感觉,以自由之身再度走进去感觉一定很好。

Sirius: I will never forget the first time I walked through those doors, it will be nice to do it again as a free man.

8. 邓布利多:小孩子所说的话就算是事实,也无足轻重,尤其是对那些不善聆听的人。

Dumbledore: A child"s voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who"ve forgotten how to listen.

9 哈利:等他自由以后,我就再也不用回德思礼家了。我们可以相依为命,我们可以住在乡下,一个看得到天空的地方。他被关了那么多年,一定很向往那里。

Harry Potter: When we free him, I"ll never have to go back to the Dursley"s. It"ll just be me and him. We could live in the country, someplace you can see the sky. I think he"ll like that after all those years in Azkaban.

10. 小天狼星:你要记住,所有真心爱我们的人都会在我们的身边,他们永远会陪伴着你,在你心中。

Sirius: But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here.
