
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2018-11-11 23:21:11

I always send your letter to the post office. I don’t like putting it in the green mailbox on the street. I always suspect that it will be slower there. (Mr. Lu Xun is good at writing, love you can be faster for one second is one second.)我寄你的信,总要送往邮局,不喜欢放在街边的绿色邮筒中,我总疑心那里会慢一些。(鲁迅先生好会写啊,爱你能快一秒是一秒。)

I have traveled across many bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, and drank many kinds of wine, but only loved a person at the right age. Meeting the most beautiful you must be a lucky gift from God!


There are not many truths in this world. A woman blushes better than a long confession, her heart beating.


In this city, I believe there must be someone who thinks about the same thing, with a similar frequency, at the lonely exit of a certain station, and arranges the fate of meeting me, fate.


You are the glory of creation, the lush greenery that does not change in the four seasons, the gentle wind in the mountains and the clouds, and the eternal dream of all my years, and I don"t want to wake up.


In summer, the days are very long, enough to cool a pot of tea, to match the starry sky at night, and your crooked moon.


There are not too many beautiful things in the world. The wind blowing from the other side of the river in the evening of Liqiu and you who laughed and killed you in your twenties.

