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「店小二文案」超火的网抑云热情 超级悲情(超级致郁)

句子大全 2013-03-27 04:45:26


I met a man once. She was sitting next to me and I seemed to have seen her, a long, long time ago. I quietly aim at one eye, one eye at a look, I suddenly feel uncomfortable, eyes astringent, I touch, there are tears down


Even if the world is full of holes and ferocious, I hope I can love this day, the water and the world every day


There are always some things that we can"t understand when we are young, but we are no longer young when we understand them. Therefore, there is a future in everyone"s heart.


Sometimes I want to apologize to her. When I met her, I was too young. I didn"t pay attention to details, which destroyed her tenderness. I would not love her

5.如果不是因为真的喜欢你,我纠缠你干嘛 我又何必那么卑微,那么不堪,甚至不停修改自己的底线 到最后还是一文不值。

If it is not because I really like you, why do I pester you? Why should I be so humble, so unbearable, and even constantly modify my bottom line, it is still worthless in the end.


The airport witnessed more sincere kisses than wedding halls; the walls of hospitals heard more prayers than halls

7.你的人生一个人就足够熠熠生辉了 也不是强求非要谁同行不可”

"Your life is brilliant enough to be a person, and it"s not to force anyone to go with you

8.青春就是这样,好像是无论怎样度过都会被浪费。 那么,不如浪费在你身上。

Youth is like this, as if no matter how to spend it will be wasted. Well, it"s better to waste it on you.
