
日记大全 > 句子大全

适合置顶的高质量文案 治愈伤感(让人流泪)

句子大全 2012-10-21 15:16:54


I can"t see the rough scenery on the road. A few years have passed, but I have failed to take its prosperity into my pocket. The only thing that accompanies me is the faint incomplete memory that belongs to you in my heart.


Some things, if you miss them, can never be found back. Some people, once turned around, will last forever.


I really want to cry and slap myself. It is better to cry than to get drunk. I won"t think about anything, and you won"t miss me.


A person wearing headphones, staying in an empty corner all day, I don"t know why suddenly surrounded by negative energy, really want to cry.


Some people won"t forget because they don"t want to give up; Some people must forget, because it is not worth it.


Suddenly I feel so pitiful. I am always self-righteous, but I don"t know that I am nothing! I really want to lie in my mother"s arms and cry! In this world, only my mother cares about everything and me! I told myself to be strong, but I was knocked down! The tighter you hold on, the faster you will disappear. The more you can"t let go of a person, the less that person treats you as a person. Why do you hurt your heart again and again and feel sorry for yourself? Maybe this is the ending, though not beautiful or sad.


Sometimes I really want to cry. I tried, but I didn"t see any return. I want to give up this game several times, but every time I think he is still with me, I can"t stand it. When I encounter more difficulties, I am unhappy. As soon as I saw him shaking his fan and looking at me on the Internet, I was much relieved. It may be a foolish behavior to regard the paperman as a spiritual sustenance.


I really want to lie in your arms and cry, then hug you tightly and tell you that I really love you.


Walking in the old street drinking old wine, thinking about the old people and chatting about old love.


In the torrent of life and the world, he is bound to wander aimlessly alone in the afterglow of the west wind like the last dead leaf falling from the tree in early winter.
