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「七月文案」花落下时没有死 风捡起花又丢下(花才死的)

句子大全 2009-05-18 00:13:03

花落下时没有死,风捡起花又丢下,花才死的 。

The flowers do not die when they fall. The wind picks them up and leaves them down, and the flowers die.

1. “什么是大喜?” “假设我爱你,恰巧你也爱我。” “什么是大悲?” “假设。”

"What is great joy?" "Suppose I love you, and you love me." "What is great sorrow?" "Suppose."

2. 医院的墙比教堂听过更多祈祷,车站机场比婚礼听过更多情话。

Hospital walls hear more prayers than churches, stations and airports hear more love talk than weddings.

3. 不愿为你开的门,一直敲是不礼貌的。

It"s impolite to knock at a door don"t want to open.

4. 连崩溃都要考虑后果的人,你说她是懂事还是无能为力。

The person who even needs to consider the consequences of collapse, you say she is sensible or powerless.

5. 捡到你最喜欢的小贝壳之后,就不要来海边了。

After picking up your favorite shells, don"t come to the seaside.

6. 一个完全按照自己意愿生活的人,要么成为疯子,要么成为传奇。

A man who lives completely according to his own will becomes either a madman or a legend.

7. 有人愿意给糖,你才有资格成为孩子。

If someone is willing to give sugar, you are qualified to be a child.

8. 而我会像玫瑰花一样绽放。

And I will bloom like a rose.

9. 上帝借由各种途径使人变得孤独,好让我们可以走向自己。

God uses various ways to make people lonely, so that we can go to ourselves.

七月鸯笙文案馆 见字如面 :

鱼跃莲池,惊起一尾,波浪唯你知,江山万里我唯与你相识 。

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