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双语——天生神力的参孙被妻子背叛 ( E44)

句子大全 2012-11-25 14:22:13

* 本篇文章难度系数7.0,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。* 提高英语阅读水平要 “轻翻译,重分析理解”,译文仅在不得已的时候参考用,这里的译文也不求高质量,甚至有时都不一定通顺,但一定有助于提高阅读能力。* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文。* 本文选自《Child Bible》,讲述的是天生具有神力的参孙的事迹传说。


SAMSON WAS BETRAYED BY HIS WIFE【译】参孙被妻子背叛【单词】BETRAYED 原型:betray 动词过去分词 [bih-"trey][b"tre] v. 背叛;出卖【专有名词】SAMSON 原型:Samson 人名 ["sam-suhn]["smsn] 参孙

There was a certain man of Zorah, of the clan of the Danites, named Manoah; and he and his wife had no children.【译】但族有一个部落叫Zorah,那里有一个叫Manoah的人,他和他的妻子没有孩子。【单词】certain 形容词 ["sur-tn]["st()n] adj. 某一【单词】clan 名词 [klan][kln] n. 氏族;宗族;党派;部落【专有名词】Danites 原型:Danite 名词复数形式 ["dan-ahyt]["dnait] n. 但人(但族的后代)

But the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said to her, "See, you have no children; but now be careful not to drink any wine nor strong drink, and do not eat anything unclean, for you are about to have a son.【译】Jehovah的使者向这个妇人显现,对她说:“看哪,你没有孩子,但现在要小心,不要喝任何葡萄酒或烈酒,也不要吃不洁净的东西,因为你将有一个儿子。【短语】are about to 原型:be about to 即将,将要;例句:He came just as the bus was about to leave. 汽车刚要开他就赶来了。【单词】angel 名词 ["eyn-juhl]["endl] n. 天使【单词】appeared 原型:appear 动词过去式 [uh-"peer]["p] v. 出现;显现【单词】wine 名词 [wahyn][wan] n. 葡萄酒;酒【单词】unclean 形容词 [uhn-"kleen][n"klin] adj. 不洁的;不纯洁的【专有名词】Jehovah [ji-"hoh-vuh][d"hv] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)

No razor shall be used upon your son"s head, for from birth the boy shall belong to God." So the woman had a son and named him Samson.【译】在你儿子的头上,不可用剃刀,因为那孩子从出生起就属于上帝。”然后妇人便生了一个儿子,给他起名叫参孙。【短语】belong to 属于;例句:The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。【单词】razor 名词 ["rey-zer]["rez] n. 剃刀【单词】birth 名词 [burth][bθ] n. 分娩;出生;诞生【专有名词】God 名词 [god][ɡd] n. 上帝

Once Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a Philistine woman.【译】有一次参孙去Timnah,在那里看见一个非利士女子。【专有名词】Philistine ["fil-uh-steen, -stahyn, fi-"lis-tin, -teen]["flstan] n. 非利士人

When he came back he said to his father and mother, "I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah.【译】他回来后就对他的父母说:“我在Timnah看见一个非利士女子。

Get her as a wife for me." But his father and mother said to him, "Is there no woman in your own tribe or among all our people, that you must marry a wife from among the heathen Philistines?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, for she suits me."【译】让她做我的妻子吧。”他的父母对他说:“你自己的支派或是我们的民众中难道就没有女人吗,你为什么非要娶一个外邦的非利士人为妻?”但是参孙对他父亲说:“把她娶过来,因为她适合我。”【单词】own 形容词 [ohn][n] adj. 自己的【单词】tribe 名词 [trahyb][trab] n. 部落;族【单词】heathen 形容词 ["hee-thuhn]["hin] adj. 异教徒的【单词】suits 原型:suit 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [soot][sut] v. 适合;满足

So Samson went with his father and mother to Timnah; and just as they came to the vineyards of Timnah, a full-grown young lion came roaring toward him.【译】参孙就与他父母去了Timnah,当他们来到Timnah的葡萄园,一头发育成熟的小狮子向他咆哮。【单词】vineyards 原型:vineyard 名词复数形式 ["vin-yerd]["vnjd] n. 葡萄园;酿酒庄园【单词】full-grown 形容词 ["fool-"grohn]["ful"ɡrun] adj. 生长完全的;发育完全的【单词】roaring 原型:roar 动词动名词形式 [rawr, rohr][r] v. 吼叫;咆哮【单词】toward 介词 [preposition tawrd, tohrd, tuh-"wawrd, twawrd, twohrd; adjective tawrd, tohrd][t"wd] prep. 向;朝

The spirit of Jehovah came upon Samson and, although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the beast in two as one tears a kid.【译】Jehovah的灵降临在参孙身上,虽然他手里什么也没有,却把这头野兽撕成两半,就像撕裂一个小孩那样。【单词】spirit 名词 ["spir-it]["sprt] n. 精神;心灵【单词】although 连词 [awl-"thoh][l"] conj. 虽然;尽管【单词】tore 原型:tear 动词过去式 [teer][te] v. 撕掉;扯下;撕破【单词】beast 名词 [beest][bist] n. 兽;畜牲

But he did not tell his father and mother what he had done.【译】但他没有告诉他的父母他做了什么。

Then he went down and talked with the woman, and she suited him.【译】然后他就去和那妇人说话,她很合他的心意。【单词】suited 原型:suit 动词过去式 [soot][sut] v. 中...的意,合(某人)心意

When he returned after a while to marry her, he turned aside to see what was left of the lion, and there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass.【译】过了一会儿,他返回去准备跟她结婚,他转头去看那狮子还剩下什么,就看到尸体里有一大群蜜蜂和蜂蜜。【短语】after a while 过一会儿,不久;例句:Don"t worry, your brother will come back after a while. 别担心,你兄弟一会儿就回来。【单词】aside 副词 [uh-"sahyd]["sad] adv. 到一边;向一边【单词】swarm 名词 [swawrm][swm] n. 群;蜂群【单词】carcass 名词 ["kahr-kuhs]["kɑks] n. 尸体;残骸

He scraped the honey out into his hands and went on, eating it as he went.【译】他把蜂蜜刮出来放到手里,边走边吃。【单词】scraped 原型:scrape 动词过去式 [skreyp][skrep] v. 刮掉;擦掉

When he came to his father and mother, he gave some to them, and they ate; but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion.【译】当他回到父母那里,也给了他们一些蜂蜜,但却没有告诉他们这蜜是从狮子的尸体上取下来的。

Then Samson went down to the woman; and he gave a feast there (for so bridegrooms used to do).【译】然后参孙就去了那个女人那里;摆了丰盛的筵席(因为新郎通常都这么做)。【短语】used to ... 过去一向,过去时常; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们过去要上仪态课。【单词】feast 名词 [feest][fist] n. 宴会;酒席【单词】bridegrooms 原型:bridegroom 名词复数形式 ["brahyd-groom, -groom]["bradgrum] n. 新郎

When the Philistines saw him, they provided thirty comrades to be with him.【译】当非利士人看到他,就派了三十个人同他在一起。【单词】provided 原型:provide 动词过去式 [pruh-"vahyd][pr"vad] v. 提供;供给【单词】comrades 原型:comrade 名词复数形式 ["kom-rad, -rid]["kmred] n. 同志;伙伴

And Samson said to them, "Let me now tell you a riddle.【译】参孙对他们说:“我现在给你们讲一个谜语。【单词】riddle 名词 ["rid-l]["rdl] n. 谜;谜语

If you can tell me what it is within the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty fine linen robes and thirty suits of clothes; but if you cannot tell me, then you shall give me thirty fine linen robes and thirty suits of clothes." They said to him, "Tell your riddle, that we may hear it." And he said to them:【译】如果你们能在宴会的这七天内告诉我谜底,我就给你们三十件细麻布长袍和三十套衣服;但如果你们猜不出谜底,你们就给我三十件细麻布长袍和三十套衣服。”他们对他说:“把你的谜语说给我们听。”他就对他们说:【单词】linen 形容词 ["lin-uhn]["lnn] adj. 亚麻布制的;亚麻的【单词】robes 原型:robe 名词复数形式 [rohb][rb] n. 长袍【单词】suits 原型:suit 名词复数形式 [soot][sut] n. 套装

"Out of the eater came something to eat, And out of the strong came something sweet." But for six days they could not solve the riddle.【译】“从食者里可以发现可食用的东西,从凶猛的物体中又能发现甜蜜的东西。”六天了,他们都没能解开谜语。【单词】eater 名词 [eet]["it] n. 食者【单词】solve 动词 [solv][slv] v. 解决;解答

On the seventh day they said to Samson"s wife, "Tease your husband until he tells us the riddle, or else we will burn up you and your father"s house.【译】第七天,他们对参孙的妻子说:“哄骗你的丈夫,让他把谜底告诉我们,否则我们就把你和你父亲的房子烧了。【短语】burn up 烧掉,烧尽;例句:All the wood has been burnt up. 木柴全部烧光了。【单词】Tease 原型:tease 动词 [teez][tiz] v. 欺负;嘲弄;戏弄

Did you invite us here to make us poor?" So Samson"s wife wept before him and said, "You only hate me and do not love me at all!【译】你把我们邀请到这儿来是为了让我们变穷吗?”参孙的妻子便在他面前哭泣并说:“你只恨我,根本不爱我!【语法】make+宾语+adj. 意为“使某人/某事(变得)……”。如:We must make the rivers clean.我们必须保持河水干净。【短语】not…at all 一点也不;例句:He is not worried at all. 他一点都不担心。【单词】invite 动词 [verb in-"vahyt; noun "in-vahyt][n"vat] v. 邀请;招待【单词】wept 原型:weep 动词过去式 [weep][wip] v. 流泪;哭泣;悲叹

You have told a riddle to my fellow countrymen and not told me what it is." He said to her, "See, I have not told it to my father or my mother, and shall I tell you?" So she wept before him as long as their feast lasted, but on the seventh day he told her, because she kept asking him; and she told the riddle to her fellow countrymen.【译】你对我的同胞们说了一个谜语,却不告诉我谜底是什么。”他对她说:“看,我都没有告诉我的父亲和母亲,我该告诉你吗?”于是,在他们的筵席上她就一直在他面前哭。但是第七天的时候,参孙把谜底告诉她了,因为她不停地问他。然后她就把谜底告诉了她的同胞们。【短语】as long as 只要;例句:I don"t mind as long as it doesn"t rain. 只要不下雨就行了。【单词】fellow 形容词 ["fel-oh]["fel] adj. 同伴的;同事的;同类的【单词】countrymen 原型:countryman 名词复数形式 ["kuhn-tree-muhn]["kntrimn] n. 同胞【单词】lasted 原型:last 动词过去式 [last, lahst][lɑst] v. 持续;维持

So the men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, "What is sweeter than honey?【译】这些人便在第七天日落前对他说:“有什么能比蜜还甜?

And what is stronger than a lion?" And he said to them:【译】有什么能比狮子更强壮呢?”他对他们说:

"If with my heifer you did not plough, You had not solved my riddle now." Then he was suddenly given divine strength, and he went down to Ashkelon and killed thirty of their men and took the spoil from them and gave the suits of clothes to those who had guessed the riddle.【译】“如果你们没有利用我妻子,现在就解不出我的谜语了。”然后他突然被赋予神圣的力量,他去Ashkelon杀了三十个人,从他们那里取回战利品,然后把衣服分给那些已经猜出谜语的人。【单词】heifer 名词 ["hef-er]["hef] n. 小母牛【单词】plough 动词 [plou][pla] v. 用犁耕田;耕犁;开(路)【单词】divine 形容词 [dih-"vahyn][d"van] adj. 神圣的;神的【单词】strength 名词 [strengkth, strength, strenth][streθ] n. 力量;力气【单词】spoil 名词 [spoil][spl] n. 战利品;奖品【单词】guessed 原型:guess 动词过去分词 [ges][ɡes] v. 推测;猜中

But he was very angry and returned to his father"s house.【译】但他非常生气,就回到他父亲的家里。

And his bride was given to his comrade who had been his best man.【译】他的新娘被给了他的伴郎。【单词】bride 名词 [brahyd][brad] n. 新娘【单词】comrade 名词 ["kom-rad, -rid]["kmred] n. 同志;伙伴【单词】best man 伴郎
