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句子大全 2014-01-28 15:56:29


明喻(Simile),是常用喻词like, as, as...as, as if等词将具有共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。明喻的表达方法是:A像B。如:

The smile on her face shone like a diamond.

With a round head, round eyes and a round body, he looks like a watermelon.

The smile on his face is as vibrant as the sun on a summer day.

The scenery along the journey is just like a breath-taking landscape painting.

I reached out to touch her face, which was as cold as the ice.

Her hair grew greyer and greyer, as if ( it were ) covered with snow and frost.

暗喻 (Metaphor) 用一种事物比喻另一种事物,本体喻体都出现,中间常用喻词 be 动词等连接,有时不用喻词。暗喻的典型形式为:甲是乙,而不用like, as等喻词。如:

Life is an unexplored river full of twists and turns.

He doesn"t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.

He is the brightest star on the basketball court.

The old man"s face is a map of time.

Personification 与汉语拟人完全相同,就是赋予物以人的语言属性。这种拟人化的修辞手法读起来使人感到形象特别生动,富有情趣。

The wind stood up and gave a shout . 大风凛冽,发出怒吼。

The breeze gently kissed her cheeks. 微风轻柔地亲吻着她的脸庞。

The feathery snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beautiful picture.


Fireflies patrol the grass with small lanterns. 萤火虫提着小灯笼在草丛中巡逻。

Anxiety torn him into pieces. 她焦虑不安,十分崩溃。

A good idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个好主意。

Hyperbole is the deliberate use of overstatement or understatement to achieve emphasis.


However, it is murder trying to let him finish English homework so that sometimes anger choked my words and even I am bent out of shape.

1. 夸张手法经常使用数词 numerals 或者量词 quantifiers。

Thanks a million. 万分感谢。

She was half dead with fear. 她吓得半死

My heart broke in about a million pieces. 我的心碎成千万片/ 扎心了。

The school bag weighs a ton. 书包重死了。

2. 夸张手法经常使用动词 verbs。

The young girl brought the house down with her performance. 这位年轻姑娘的表演博得了满堂喝彩。

It made me jump out of my skin. 吓得我灵魂脱壳。

She cried her eyes out. 她痛哭流涕。

I almost laughed my head off. 笑死我了(我头都要笑掉了)。

3. 夸张手法经常使用介词短语prepositional phrases。

She went home in a flood of tears. 她泪水滂沱地回家去了。

When they told the news, I was over the moon/ on the top of the world. 当他们告诉我这个消息的时候,我开心到飞起。

The people wanting to see Xiao Zhan"s show formed a line from China to Thailand. 想看肖战演出的人从中国排到了泰国。


Two years ago my mother had a second child , who is the loveliest boy in the world. His round and bright eyes are ___________________(两颗闪烁的星星)。Everytime he smiles, I feel __________________________(好像我的世界开满了花). Such is my brother, _______________________(我生命中温暖的小太阳).

(Key: two twinkling stars; as if my world is full of flowers; a warm little sun in my life)



Everyone will be amazed at the scenery of our school the first time they visit it. There is a breath of spring in the gentle wind, and the wind kissed the tree tops. The high construction is also one kind of artwork, classical, graceful, which looks like a rich paint color painting!

The trees come up to the window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth. Everywhere filling the green, travellers stop down, charmed with the beautiful scene.



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