
日记大全 > 句子大全

高质量的治愈系文案 个性又高级(治愈伤感伤心)

句子大全 2011-09-26 22:49:10

You said, when the wound I cut myself healed, the wound you gave me would be fine. But, are you sure the wound won"t be scarred?


I have nothing, and I am still hopeless. I don"t leave my hands with smoke, but bad wine burns my throat.


It is very simple to make others appreciate you. You only need to treat people badly most of the time, and occasionally treat them badly, and they will be grateful to you. It"s also very simple to get people tired of you. You just need to be kind to him all the time. After a long time, he will get tired of you. People are mean, and the closer they are to him, the more they take it for granted. Therefore, the more you love for a long time, the more you need to be indifferent occasionally.


If we always want to see the world through other people"s eyes, our eyes will gradually become blind.


I don"t know how to look back in the past, in exchange for the love of each other in this life, and appreciate the beauty when we met. In the journey of life, I dotted the wind chimes of acacia, cast a lingering net system in the ocean of emotion, and doomed the continuation of this life in the rose-spotted garden. In the sun, moon, stars, blue sky and white clouds, I wrote back for thousands of years, and fell in love with each other forever.


Trust, understanding, tolerance and tacit understanding. Now I use these eight words to bless our love, wishing us happiness for a lifetime and loving forever.


No matter how I can"t let go, you will never look back. So I chose to leave.


It is said that time is not old and we will not come loose. Looking back, time has never been old, but we have already dispersed.


Life is like a play. If you play well, you will become the protagonist. If you don"t play well, you will be a walk-on!


You didn"t see me squatting alone in the toilet, turning on the tap and crying.

