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一个人心累的情感语录 现实戳心(句句有深意)

句子大全 2007-06-25 02:32:19


later believed that there was a magnetic field between people. It was not embarrassing to talk about anything, and it was silent to talk about anything. The reason why the secular people are happy is often due to the desire to be satisfied, but not many people have enough ability to face the pain of losing happiness.

二、花朵再美不及云朵,纯洁,神圣,雨过之后,花朵仿佛卸了妆,但云朵不会,因为她始终如一。你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。毕竟这穿越山河的箭,刺的都是用情至疾的人。flowers are less beautiful than clouds, pure, sacred, after the rain, the flowers seem to take off their makeup, but the clouds will not, because she is always the same. You are my dream of gains and losses, I am your indispensable person. After all, the arrows that cross mountains and rivers are all those who use their emotions to the utmost.

三、决定你穿什么衣裳的,不是你的钱包,而是你的身材。决定你的脾气的,不是你的性格,而是你的位置。所有成功的背后,都是苦苦堆积的坚持;所有人前的风光,都是背后傻傻的不放弃。只要你愿意,并为之坚持,总有一天,你会活成自己喜欢的模样!decides what clothes you wear, not your wallet, but your figure. It"s not your personality that determines your temper, it"s your position. Behind all success, is the perseverance of hard accumulation; behind all the scenery, is silly not to give up. As long as you want and stick to it, one day you will live like you like!

四、错过的风景,就不要再回头;擦肩的过客,不要原地踏步不走。时光是一把利刃,你若不走,那必定会伤痕累累。当你刻骨相思,别人却云淡风轻,执迷不悟只会让自己更惆怅。missed scenery, do not look back; shoulder-wiping passers-by, do not stand still. Time is a sharp knife. If you don"t go, you will be scarred. When you are deeply lovesick, others are light, obsessive will only make you more melancholy.

五、向着目标奔跑,何必在意折翼的翅膀,只要信心不死,就看的见方向,顺风适合行走,逆风更适合飞翔,人生路上什么都不怕,就怕自己投降。Running towards the goal, why care about the wings of broken wings, as long as confidence is not dead, you can see the direction, the wind is suitable for walking, the wind is more suitable for flying, there is nothing to fear on the road of life, afraid of surrender. There is no easy way to go in.

六、人生要走的路,没有一条是容易的路。我们只能选择一条更适合自己的路,然后凭借自己的努力,去决定自己的样子,去过上最想要拥有的那一种生活。There is no easy way to go in life. We can only choose a more suitable road for ourselves, and then rely on our own efforts to determine their own appearance, to live the kind of life that we most want to have.

七、遇到欣赏你的人,学会笑纳。遇到你欣赏的人,学会赞美;遇到嫉妒你的人,学会低调。遇到你嫉妒的人,学会转化;遇到不懂你的人,学会沟通。遇到你不懂的人,学会理解!meets people who appreciate you and learns to laugh. Meet the people you admire, learn to praise; meet the people who envy you, learn to keep a low profile. When you meet someone you envy, learn to transform; when you meet someone who doesn"t understand you, learn to communicate. Meet people you don"t understand, learn to understand!

八、我有很多理由放弃你,但我还是选择留下。你有很多理由留下,但你还是选择放弃。总有一天你会知道:公交五分钟一班,地铁七分钟一班,有些人有些事,一辈子只有这一班。I have many reasons to abandon you, but I still choose to stay. You have many reasons to stay, but you still choose to give up. One day you will know: Bus runs every five minutes, subway runs every seven minutes. Some people have something to do. They only have this class in their lifetime.

九、 情不知所起,一往而深;恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。我就是那种,别人给点温暖就会感动好久的人。若我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你会不会,依旧如此,牵我双手,倾世温柔。knows not where to start, but always goes deep; Hate knows not where to go, and laughs away. I am the kind of person who will be touched for a long time by warmth from others. If I were grey-haired and dusk-faced, would you still be so, holding my hands, gentle in the world?

十、时间是疗伤最好的药剂,原谅不了的结果都原谅了;原本要死要活想拥有的东西,现在都不需要了;以为是最好的东西,也觉得不那么好了;以为是最讨厌的事情,也觉得不那么刺眼了,时间恍如流水,磨平了内心的棱角,慢慢的,人就变得宁静了。time is the best medicine for healing wounds, forgiven the results that can not be forgiven; what was meant to be dead and want to have is not needed now; think it is the best thing, also feel not so good; think it is the most hateful thing, but also feel less dazzling, time like running water, smooth the edges of the heart, slowly, people become quiet.

十一、这南墙我是撞了,丢了的自己是捡不回来了,我摔得最惨的地方,就是我重新开始的位置,余生不用你指教了,这是我的感情,我自己收拾。this south wall I bumped, lost oneself is unable to pick up, I fell the most miserable place, is where I restart, the rest of my life do not need your advice, this is my feelings, I tidy up.

十二、 人生,要懂得感恩。感恩,不一定是感谢大恩大德,而是一种生活态度,是一种善良的人性美。心存感恩,你的生活中才会少了许多怨气和烦恼。有感恩的心,你才会有好的心态,发现更多的美好。life, to understand gratitude. Gratitude is not necessarily a kind of gratitude, but an attitude towards life, a kind of beauty of human nature. Be grateful, and you will have less resentment and worry in your life. With gratitude, you will have a good mentality and find more beautiful things.

十三、凡事别太认真,我们都只是路过这个世界,随时要离开的,我们既带不走别人的记忆,也带不走自己的记忆,所以好好地过好每一天,凡事别太认真。Don"t take everything too seriously. We are just passing through the world and leaving at any time. We can neither take other people"s memories nor our own, so live each day well and don"t take everything too seriously.

十四、不要抱怨生命中的每一天,美好的日子带给你快乐,倒霉的日子带给你经验,最糟糕的日子带给你教训。should not complain about every day in life. Good days bring you happiness, bad days bring you experience, and worst days teach you lessons.

十五、你堕落的时候,总有人在努力,你懒散的时候,自然有人在求上进,你觉得不如意的时候,有人过得比你更惨。所以,在这个世界上,总是有人过着你摒弃了的生活,也有人过着你期盼着的生活,更有人过着你现在一样的生活。When you fall, there are always people working hard, when you are lazy, there are naturally people striving for progress, when you feel unsatisfactory, some people lead a worse life than you. So, in this world, there are always people who live the life you abandoned, others who live the life you expect, and others who live the same life as you do now.

十六、你最爱的,往往没有选择你;最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的;而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱,也不是最爱你的,只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。时光不会倒流,不会因为我的想象去重新演绎一遍人生,可我最终还是失去了你。The person you love most often does not choose you; the one who loves you most is not your favorite; and the one who loves you most for the longest time is not your favorite or your favorite, but the one who appears at the most suitable time. Time will not go backwards, not because of my imagination to reinterpret life, but I finally lost you.

十七、不管昨夜经历了怎样的泣不成声,早晨醒来这个城市依然车水马龙,曾经爱过,恨过的旅程,那一段拼命努力的日子,人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。No matter how sobbing we experienced last night, waking up in the morning, the city is still full of traffic. The journey we once loved and hated, the hard working days, life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope of life.

十八、 如果你作出了某种选择,就要准备好承担一切后果。即使再苦再累,也不要心生抱怨,因为这是你自己的选择!人生故事里的大多数结局都源于你的选择,没有什么好抱怨的。你选择了什么样的道路,就会拥有什么样的人生。人生不是游戏,我们没有多少可供选择的机会。既然选择了,就要咬牙坚持走下去。If you make a choice, be prepared to take all the consequences. Never complain, even when you are tired, because it"s your choice! Most of the endings in life stories come from your choices. There"s nothing to complain about. What path you choose, you will have what kind of life. Life is not a game. We don"t have many choices. Now that you have chosen, you must grind your teeth and stick to it.

十九、坏情绪不要说给别人听,不管怎么样,夜晚你就睡觉,白天你就出去散散心,阴天你就吃好喝好,雨天你就听听雨。要记得,总有一天,会有一束阳光驱散你所有的阴霾,带给你万丈光芒。Don"t say bad mood to others. Anyway, you sleep at night, go out to relax during the day, eat and drink well in cloudy days, and listen to the rain in rainy days. Remember, one day, there will be a bunch of sunshine to dispel all your haze and bring you a million light.

二十、生活并非一成不变,没有谁能抵挡你的渴望;而只有足够自信并且努力,你就有无限可能。时间告诉我们,感情可以变淡,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人可以再换。life is not the same, no one can resist your desire; but only enough self-confidence and hard work, you have unlimited possibilities. Time tells us that feelings can fade, words can not be counted, loved people can be replaced.

二十一、人,往往急于成长,然后又哀叹失去的童年;以健康换取金钱,不久后又想用金钱恢复健康;对未来焦虑不已,却又无视现在的幸福,既不活在当下,也不活在未来。人生短短几十年,不要在临死前才感叹自己仿佛从未活过。People are eager to grow up, and then lament the lost childhood; exchange health for money, and soon want to restore health with money; worry about the future, but ignore the happiness of the present, neither live in the present nor in the future. Life is only a few decades. Don"t lament that you have never lived before you die.

二十二、我心里的梦想,就如翩翩起舞的彩蝶,是那么的优雅,周围环绕着灿烂群花,那么浪漫;犹如雨后的七彩彩虹,我相信我可以走过那连接天边的彩桥,去到我梦想的世界。The dream in my heart is like a dancing butterfly, so elegant, surrounded by brilliant flowers, so romantic; like the rainbow after the rain, I believe I can cross the bridge connecting the horizon to my dream world.

二十三、别人对你的误解会使你成熟,别人对你的卑劣也可以使你高尚,如果你真正比对方站的高一些、心胸大一些的话。因为你的心如果在天上,它们就是你脚下的云海日出;你的心如果在地上,它们就是你头上的乌云密布。Others"misunderstanding of you will make you mature. Others" inferiority will also make you noble, if you are really taller and bigger-minded than the other side. For if your hearts are in the sky, they are clouds and sunrise at your feet; if your hearts are on the ground, they are clouds over your head.
