
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2015-01-03 15:43:20

1. 最美的生活就是把普通的烟火过得精致。

The most beautiful life is to make ordinary fireworks exquisite.

2. 把平淡琐碎的日子,打理成日常喜欢的样子。

Take care of the plain and trivial days into what you like every day.

3. 生活就是,柴米油盐酱醋茶,一半烟火,一半诗意。

Life is rice, oil and salt sauce vinegar tea, half fireworks, half poetry.

4. 生活无需那么拥挤。

Life doesn"t have to be so crowded.

5. 把每一个平凡的日子都溢满欢喜。

Fill every ordinary day with joy.

6. 慢慢变好,是给自己最好的礼物。

Getting better slowly is the best gift for yourself.

7. 多吃不胖,积极又向上。

Eat more not fat, positive and upward.

8. 你未必出类拔萃,但你一定与众不同。

You may not be be outstanding, but you must be different.

9. 总有一天,有一个人会手捧鲜花,为你而来。

One day, someone will come for you with flowers in their hands

10. 不图事事圆满,但愿事事顺心。

I hope everything goes well doesn"t want everything to be perfect

11. 生活简单,美好也很简单。

Life is simple, beautiful and simple

12. 生活温暖顺心,其他别无所求。

Life is warm and comfortable, and nothing else is needed.

13. 愿你眼里有光,心中有爱。,一句春暖花开。

May there be light in your eyes and a word of love in your heart, during the warmth of spring, all the flowers bloom.

14. 做颗星星,有棱有角,还会发光。

There is a star, angular and shining.

15. 阳光很暖,电量很满。

The sun is warm and the electricity is full.
