
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2015-01-16 05:40:33

The sun god heard my prayer, so he decided to separate a beam of light, which was rushing here through countless light years. Hurry up at dawn when you open your eyes, just to kiss your tender pupils, tender to the bone.太阳神听见了我的祷告,于是决定分出一道光,它正穿过无数光年往这儿赶。要赶在天明你睁眼那会儿,正好吻在你的温柔瞳孔上,温柔入骨。

Last night I dreamed of the vastness of the galaxy, and I was sailing in the universe. Wake up to write a short poem, you are the stars in the sky, and you are also a cloud in the spring mountains on earth.


You jumped from the sea of clouds to the world, dazzling you with the morning glow. You are the sea of flowers, you are the flying birds, you are the flowing clouds, you are the spring willow, and you are my end point. On my way, you are everywhere and you are everywhere.


The wind blew thatched down, I lay on my back, looking at the clouds and the sky, and seeing your face covered with morning clouds.


It was like a little spark still flashing in the ashes, and suddenly I met your breath, which burst into light and ignited me.


Goodbye to you is like a cloud and rain hitting a mountain breeze, a long-awaited reunion finally staged in a soap opera.


The text and the landscape have their own magnificence, but it is inevitable that people will be distracted and contrasted. Only when I meet you, I can"t help but admire the magic of creation, beautiful girl.

