
日记大全 > 句子大全

温情撩人的情绪文案 简单美好(懂你的忧伤)

句子大全 2009-01-20 16:42:37

When I was walking in a noisy street, mixed with bleak sunshine, blocking people who embraced me from shooting thousands of Guanghua schools, traveling for years and sinking, I always understood that other people"s joy and happiness could not be passed on to myself. I only touched some crowds and lively atmosphere, and then I looked up at the noisy city, which is different from being alone in Yuan Ye. I still walk alone, just like I like the sun and sunshine, but I can"t hide it in a small black house, like the breeze and flowers, but I can"t seal it in a glass bottle, like the forest and like the grass, but I can"t turn it into a back garden,


I tried my best not to make people around me sad, only to find that it was myself who was injured.


I have to admit, it"s not just time, it"s us. Everything we remember is not yesterday, so if one day, I forget love and pain, it"s as simple as forgetting something, maybe it"s just that I temporarily ran aground and forgot my instinct.


I kept thinking about what car I would drive and what room I would live in, but as long as I think of you around me, I don"t care whether I would drive Santana or Cadillac, whether I would live in a small apartment or a big villa. You said you would suffer with me, and I said I wanted to enjoy happiness with you. I only hope that the co-pilot position will always be. I only hope that what I see when I go home every day will always be you.


I believe that after pessimistic life, there is hope. No matter how long the road is, both feet can tread. I believe that my shoulders can bear the weight of life. No matter how hard and long life is, remember a simple truth. There is no longer road than feet under the sun. Life may be sad in autumn, but now it is every autumn, smiling quietly and walking by.


It is not easy to do everything simple, and it is extraordinary to do everything ordinary.


If people I care about are hot and cold to me, and I feel swayed by considerations of gain and loss, then I will choose to leave without saying goodbye.


When you are gone, should I sing "Happy Break-up" or "I wish you happiness"?


If you care about someone, what he says doesn"t need to be ugly or cruel. Just saying that you are bored is enough to hurt you to pieces.


When we were young, we desperately wanted to grow up. When we grew up, we discovered that childhood was the most flawless. When reading, we dream of working, and only after working do we realize that we are most nostalgic for the cold window. Envy others when they are single, and realize the freedom of being single only after marriage is also a kind of incomparable happiness. We are moving forward all the way, and we will miss it when we pass by. Only by cherishing immediate possession will we have less regrets and hate in our memory.

