
日记大全 > 句子大全

金·卡戴珊在攻读法律学位 这些来自她的名言警句(励志向上)

句子大全 2013-03-23 19:38:02

众所周知,金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian),四个孩子的母亲。1980年生人,美国娱乐界名媛,服装设计师,企业家,其父亲是一名律师。2019福布斯100名人榜排名第26位。但你知道吗?她已开始攻读法律学位,金·卡戴珊宣布,她正在学习成为一名真正的刑事司法律师,此前她在三个月内帮助过17名囚犯获释。


1. 抓住机会,不要回头。永远不要后悔,要从中吸取教训。Take and chance and don"t ever look back. Never have regrets, just lessons learned.

2. 我不想影响任何人;谨言慎行!I"m not trying to influence anyone else; I"m not saying, "Do what I do." I think it"s a little pretentious to say, "I"m a role model"; I would never say that, and I don"t think of myself that way.

3. 我认为,当你知道在你的内心深处的想法,那就只是听从你的直觉吧,跟随你的内心,走你自己的路,做你自己喜欢的事。I think when you know so deep in your heart that you just to listen to your intuition and follow your heart, theres no right or wrong thing to do.

4. 没有听不到温柔的话语,就没有温柔的心会破碎。If no tender words are spoken, no tender hearts can be broken.

5. 很难和某人建立联系,但他们却离开了,你不知道是否还能再见到他们。珍惜当下!It"s just so hard when you have a connection with someone and they just leave and you don"t know if you"ll ever see them again.

6. 男人被我吸引是因为我的个性品格(内涵)!(女人不要做花瓶)Men are attracted to me because of my personality!

7. 我认为,只要你从错误中吸取教训,不要一遍又一遍地犯错误,你就走上了正确的道路。知错必改,前途光明!I think as long as you learn from your mistakes, and don"t make them over and over again, you"re on the right path.

8. 如果我对自己的身体不自信,我不会坐在家里自怨自艾,什么都不做。关键是要采取行动,不要偷懒。所以你做这个工作,不管是健身还是别的什么。起床,激励自己,然后去行动。(自信的好身材是每日的坚持健身换来的)

If I don"t feel confident about my body, I"m not going to sit at home and feel sorry for myself and not do something about it. It"s all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it"s fitness or whatever. It"s about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.


