
日记大全 > 句子大全

不能错过的成熟文案 句句经典(让人大彻大悟)

句子大全 2019-10-28 07:02:22

一,事不能拖 话不能多 人不能做。

Things can"t be delayed, people can"t do things.


No one can help you explain that you can do it alone

三,当你是才华还撑你起你的野心时 应该静下心来学习。

You should calm down and study when you are talented and support your ambition.


I hope you can know that what you owe me can"t be repaid.


From a distance, everyone is very kind.


Smile is like a band-aid, covering up the pain, so I wish everything wins.


It is experience, not years, that makes people mature


I didn"t start as silent as this

九,每个人都有自己的难处 别人无法看透 也无法感同身受。

Everyone has their own difficulties, and others can"t see through them or feel them.

十,信息不想回 游戏打腻了 每天看着不同的视频时不时被逗笑 时不时被戳心 总感觉缺点什么却想不起来。

I don"t want to go back to the game. I am tired of watching different videos every day. I am teased from time to time and poked at my heart from time to time. I always feel shortcomings but I can"t remember anything

十一,十五岁 意味着任性的日子只剩下几年 你要成熟稳重做一个温柔的女孩。

Fifteen means that there are only a few years left in your willful life. You should be mature and be a gentle girl.

十二,外面的灯红酒绿与我无关 我也不想去拥有谁 只希望独立撑伞的日子能顺顺利利。

I have nothing to do with the feasting outside, and I don"t want to have anyone. I only hope that the days of holding an umbrella independently will be smooth and profitable

十三,没人给我送伞我一样可以回家 我的意思是不会因为任何人的缺度打乱我的生活。

I can go home without an umbrella. I mean, I won"t disturb my life because of anyone"s lack.


The dispensable relationship is just a kind of consumption

十五,我的骄傲不允许我把这段崩溃的日子告诉别人 只有我自己知道 我和从前 判若两人。

My pride doesn"t allow me to tell others about this collapse. Only I know that I am a different person from before

十六,感情透了就是透了 重新树立关系也没有必要了。

It"s not necessary to re-establish a relationship if you are deeply emotional.

十七,问题带来的情绪 情绪不能解决任何问题。

The emotion brought by the problem can"t solve any problem
