
日记大全 > 句子大全

第九十七弹‖关于夕阳的温柔文案 恬静美好(唯美朦胧)

句子大全 2007-04-25 14:20:39

云朵偷喝了我放在屋顶的酒 于是她脸红变成了晚霞

01 想和你看着落日 只谈微风和晚霞

I want to see the setting sun with you, just talk about the breeze and sunset.

02 今天的晚霞和你一样甜

Today"s sunset is as sweet as you.

03 你是落日弥漫的橘 天边透亮的星

You are the orange in the setting sun, the bright star in the sky.

04 如果你赶不上凌晨六点的日出,你不妨看看傍晚六点的日落黄昏

If you can"t make it to the six o"clock sunrise in the morning, you might as well watch the six o"clock sunset in the evening.

05 想了许多关于日落的文案,都不及你抬头时温柔入眼

I"ve thought a lot about the sunset, but it"s not as gentle as you look up.

06 太阳刚刚落下去的时候 天空淡蓝色 云朵粉红色 很适合形容我喜欢你的心情

When the sun just sets, the sky is light blue and the clouds are pink. It"s very suitable to describe how I like your mood.

07 “你是我黎明到黄昏触手可及的想念”

"You are my miss from dawn to dusk"

08 “那些落在云彩里的爱心,每一个都是我对你的怦然心动”

"Those love falling in the cloud, each one is my heart beating to you"

09 天边那一抹彩云在夕阳的精心装扮下,绚烂成美丽的晚霞

The colorful clouds in the sky are carefully decorated by the setting sun, gorgeous into a beautiful sunset.

10 “会坠入温柔暮色里,会陷入你”

"Will fall into gentle twilight, will fall into you"

我爱余晖也爱你 可惜余晖不及你




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