
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-09-23 19:24:44

Polluter A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea

污染船 向空气散发出污染物或向海水中漏油的船舶

Proceed (to) To sail or head for a certain position or to continue the voyage

驶往 向某一位置驶去或继续航行

PA-system Public address system: Loudspeakers in the vessel’s cabins, mess rooms, etc., and on deck via which important information can be broadcast from a central point, mostly from the navigation bridge

广播系统 舱室中、餐厅中或甲板上的高音喇叭,用作从控制中心或驾驶台播送重要信息

RCC Rescue co-ordination centre: Land-based authority conducting and coordinating search and rescue operations in a designated area

搜救协调中心 在指定区域中从事搜救作业和搜救协调的岸上机构

Receiving point A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure

接受点 船舶到达进入、通过或护航点的标志或地点

Reference line A fictive line displayed on the radar screen separating the fairway for inbound and outbound vessels so that they can safely pass each other

参照线 雷达屏幕上显示的分隔进口船和出口船的线,以使相互间安全通过

Refloat (to) To pull a vessel off after grounding; to set afloat again

重起浮 使船搁浅后重新浮起

Reporting point (see Way point)

报告点 (见Way point)

Rescue team A group of crew members standing by in case of an emergency in order to assist other teams in action if necessary

救助队 在紧急中,在必要时向其它队组提供援助的一组船员

Restricted area A deck, space, area, etc., not permitted to be entered for safety reasons

禁入区 因安全原因不得进入的甲板区域、空间或处所

Retreat signal Sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return to its base

撤回信号 命令搜寻船组回到基点的声号、视觉信号或其它信号

Rig move The movement of an oil rig, drilling platform, etc., from one position to another

钻井装置移动 钻井装置、钻井平台等从一个位置到另一位置的移动

Roll call The act of checking who of the passengers and crew members are present, e.g. at assembly stations, by reading aloud a list of their names

点名 利用按名单大声顺序念出名字的方法以核对船员或旅客人员的作法,如在集合点

