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委屈治愈系文案 一眼就心酸(看完心疼自己)

句子大全 2010-11-21 06:47:14

我太爱你了,可能会忘记自己。 我太爱你了,可能会迷失自己。 我太爱你了,怕找不到自己。

I love you so much, I may forget myself. I love you so much, I might lose myself. I love you too much to find myself.

恋爱之树,晓月之寒,夜风之寒,恋人佳节独自归来,阴影凄凉。 看起来很难,想起来也很难,在漫长的夜晚抱着仇恨睡着,问我是否同情。

The tree of love, the cold of xiao Yue, the cold of night wind, the lover returns alone on holiday, the shadow is desolate. It"s hard to look at, and it"s hard to think about, sleeping through the long night with hatred, asking me if I sympathize.

夺走你的心,再见痴心。 整天费心试图安抚内心。 苦心惨淡,思索着。 你的心,不知道我的心吗,这么冷酷,让我伤心。

Take your heart away, goodbye, infatuation. All day trying to calm down. Painstakingly, thinking. Your heart, don"t you know my heart, so cold, makes me sad.

丈夫(妻子) :愿我们的爱永远像静静、芬芳的咖啡浪漫葡萄酒的热烈伏特加一样多姿多彩,回味无穷

Husband (wife) : May our love always be as colorful and memorable as the quiet, fragrant coffee, romantic wine and warm vodka

人的缘分不同,相爱的时间也有长短。 只能全力以赴。 我能做的就是让我的爱和你一起慢慢变老。

People"s fate is different, love time has a length. We have to do our best. All I can do is let my love grow old with you.

男:你不能为了我的一棵树失去森林女人:你的玉树。 是不平凡的树

Man: You can"t lose the forest for one of my trees woman: Your jade trees. No ordinary tree

嘿,老实说,你在偷偷想我吗? 你真的在偷偷想我吗? 如果你真的想我的话,请告诉我! 我不让你想我。 大家都在讲道理。 我也在想你。

Hey, be honest. Are you secretly missing me? Are you really secretly missing me? If you really miss me, please tell me! I don"t want you to miss me. Everyone is being reasonable. I was thinking about you, too.

春风如梦,风无痕迹,只为心中的思念,送上遥远而深沉的祝福。 你的皮肤是五线谱,我嘴唇上的印记是爱的意思; 写一首难忘的歌,让你永远幸福。

The spring breeze is like a dream, without traces of wind, only for the thoughts of the heart, to send distant and deep blessings. Your skin is a staff, the marks on my lips are love; Write an unforgettable song that will make you happy forever.

看到这个短信息的时候,你已经中了烈性毒。 唯一的解药是和我结婚。 不用想。 结婚吧。

By the time you read this text message, you are already high on drugs. The only cure is to marry me. Don"t want to. Get married.

我喜欢和变化的东西保持距离,已经习惯了。 这样你就会明白时间上最不能抛弃的标准是什么。 比如爱一个人,充满变数,所以我后退一步,静静地看着,直到看到真诚的感情。

I like to keep my distance from things that change. I"m used to it. Then you"ll know what the standard of time is that you can"t throw away. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. So I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.

太美丽的东西不适合经验。 因为经历了一次就忘不了。

Things too beautiful for experience. Because once you experience it, you never forget it.


When you really love someone, the world just doesn"t exist.

“我可以笑吗? “为什么? “因为我忘记在咖啡里放糖了。 ”

May I laugh? Why? "Because I forgot to put sugar in my coffee."

“我觉得你这个人不适合恋爱。 “为什么? “适合结婚。 ”

I don"t think you"re cut out for love. Why? "Suitable for marriage."

“最近看到你昏过去了”“为什么? “因为爱会搅乱头脑”

I saw you pass out recently. "Why? "Because love messes up the mind."

“请管好你的嘴。 “为什么? “我随时都会吻你。 ”

Please watch your mouth. Why? "I"ll kiss you anytime."

“我掐一下手指。 你五行不够我。 “我是个有魅力的男人。 你很有魅力。 ”

I pinch my finger. You are not good enough for me. I"m an attractive man. You"re very attractive."

“你知道你和星星有什么不同吗? “有什么区别? “星星在天上,你在我心里。 ”

Do you know the difference between you and the stars? What"s the difference? "The stars are in the sky, you are in my heart."

“最近看到你昏过去了”“为什么? “因为爱会搅乱头脑”

I saw you pass out recently. "Why? "Because love messes up the mind."

“我觉得你很像我的亲戚。 “是谁? “母亲的媳妇。 ”

I think you"re very much a relative of mine. Who is it? "The mother"s daughter-in-law."
