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英文词汇积累 10个地道又形象的英文短语(2/3)

句子大全 2019-06-15 11:15:01



1.We couldn"t do any more work because of the rain, so we called it a dayand went home.

2. The hotel looked attractive from outside, but the rooms were damp and not well maintained. You can"t judge a book by its cover.

3. A cat napleft me refreshed enough to face the rest of the day.

4. Tom is a real couch potatoand doesn"t like to participate in any activity that makes him tired or sweaty.

5. My kids were upset because they had burnt their toast, but I told them that it"s no use crying over spilt milkand to just make some more.

6. Jill: Where did you get all that money?

Jane: Curiosity killed the cat.

7. Why are you putting all your money into one company? Don"t put all your eggs in one basket.

8. I hope you have a blastat your birthday party.

9. I"d love to stay longer but it"s really time to hit the road.

10. After the long road trip, we were all dead tired and ready to hit the hayas soon as we reached home.


1.call it a day

To declare the end of a task.

call it a day 是人们想表达完成了今天的工作量,准备结束这一天时的表述,也可以理解为“就到这里吧!” 或“收工”。

2. Can"t judge a book by its" cover.

Cann"t judge something primarily on appearance.


3. cat nap

to hav a short, light sleep. a doze.

有养过猫咪就会知道他们有多喜欢睡觉了。他们一天可以睡上12-16个小时。几乎整天都在睡觉的猫咪放在习语里,就不难想像和“打瞌睡“的关系了吧。除了最常见的take a nap之外,打盹可是小睡也可以用 take a cat nap.

4. couch potato

a lazy person

英文couch是指放在客厅的长沙发。在一般现代家庭中,这长沙发通常是对着电视。因此在20世纪70年代末期,就有人造出了couch potato一语。couch potato直译是“沙发土豆“,引申为“老坐在电视机前的人“或“终日懒得出去走动的人“。再看一个例子:She doesn"t want her husband to be a couch potato.

5. cry over spilt milk

when you complain about a loss from the past.


6. Curiosity killed the cat.

Being inquisitive can lead to an unpleasant situation.


7. Don"t put all your eggs in one basket.

Do not put all your resources in one possibility.


8. have a blast

To have a good time or to enjoy.


9. hit the road

to depart, to start a journey.

字面意思为“撞马路,打马路“。但其实是“上路,出发,启程“。“Let"s hit the road."就是“我们走吧。“

10. hit the sack/sheets/hay

to go to bed.


