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句子大全 2019-06-01 13:31:20

1.天上乌云密布,预示就要下雨。There were dark clouds overhead promising rain.《牛津词典》

2.天边乌云密布。Dark clouds massed on the horizon.《牛津词典》

3.有一小片孤零零的金盏花,如果天空乌云密布,它就会匆忙地闭合。There is a little single marigold which shuts up in a hurry if the sky becomes clouded.

4.天空乌云密布,阴沉沉的。The sky was dark and threatening.《牛津词典》

5.乌云密布预示大雨将至。The clouds threatened rain.《牛津词典》

6.天空中乌云密布。The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.《牛津词典》

7.天空乌云密布, 电光在云块间闪动。The sky was overcast, the ligtning leaped from cloud to cloud.《新英汉大辞典》

8.一天,乌云密布,突然间便暴雨如注。One day dark clouds came in, burst open and poured sheets of rain.

9.乌云密布于该城已经好几天了。Black clouds have stagnated over the city for several days.

10.假如今天乌云密布,就借用明天的太阳吧!Borrow from tomorrow"s sun if there are clouds today.

11.天空乌云密布,接着下起雨来。The cloudy sky was followed by rain.

12.虽然乌云密布但飞机还是起飞了。The clouds were dark, new the airplane took off.

13.乌云密布预示着暴风雨将到来。The heavy black clouds threaten a storm.

14.天空乌云密布,看起来要下雨了。The sky is overcast. It looks like rain.

15.就要下雨了,因为乌云密布,而且越压越低了。It"s going to rain, because the dark clouds are gathering and hanging lower and lower.

16.从窗口望出去,她看到天空乌云密布。Looking out her window, she noticed the sky had become overcast.

17.仅在几个月之前,东欧西部还乌云密布。ONLY a few months ago a deep gloom hung over the western Balkans.

18.乌云密布预示着将要下雨。The black clouds threatened rain.

19.鲍勃总是很喜欢航行,即使空中乌云密布。Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.

20.如果我在等待乌云密布。If I wait for cloudy skies.

21.乌云密布,看来会下雨。The dark clouds promise rain.

22.忽然天空乌云密布。Suddenly the sky turns overcast.

23.我的话刚说完,天空开始乌云密布,很快便下起了倾盆大雨。Soon after I told him to get ready, the sky became dark with clouds and heavy rain began falling from the sky.

24.看着她那乌云密布的脸,我赶紧使用灵丹妙药:“我爱你!”Seeing dark clouds cover her face, I hastened to resort to the usual panacea "I love you."

25.但是在乌云密布的日子里,带有磁铁的家鸽就会迷路了。But on cloudy days, the pigeons with magnets could not find their way.

26.回到家里,突然之间乌云密布,一场可怕的风暴挟着倾盆大雨袭来。As I returned home, great black clouds came up and there was a terrific storm with torrents of rain.
