
日记大全 > 句子大全

温情动人的情感文字 抚慰心灵(现实又无奈)

句子大全 2019-01-28 16:09:38

Seems to be used to waiting, simply think that waiting will come.


I am not a good actor, I can"t watch your happiness with a smile.


We have been thinking about our original, so that we don"t want to forget it after a long time. It"s not how good he really is, but just because he appeared earlier than others, just to satisfy his share of special feelings.


How many people, who clearly broke up, still love; How many people still love, but say they let go?


Those futures that we have been worried about and full of curiosity will vaguely feel that they are bright in our hearts.


Forgive me for not being able to forget you, for the only light in my heart.


I can"t deny your attraction to me, but I know I won"t like you any more.


Guard the oath of love, promise me happiness and happiness for a lifetime, and I will give you the same infinite love. Guarding the promise of love and vowing happiness and happiness to you all my life is the belief that I will pursue without regret all my life.


At this age, it is really embarrassing, not so mature but not naive, and incapable but with great ambition.


Later, the glass was broken, the long hair was cut, the obsession was broken, and the diary was torn. You don"t know where it is. How can you forget the unfinished story?


Believe in people, feelings and goodness. Be cheerful, tough, and live warmly. If a person wants to leave you anyway, don"t try to stay. It won"t be long before you find that he has a new lover. It"s not that you are not good enough, but because he cheated on you first. Love is just a matter of letting nature take its course. If you want to insist, you must be sad and hurt yourself.


In fact, all the people who struggle to make choices already have the answers in their hearts, and the consultation only wants to get the choices they prefer. Eventually the so-called fate, or their own step by step.

