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句子大全 2016-05-21 08:56:18

一、人生是一种无法抗拒的前进。在岁月的长河中,是有无数的驿站,如果说出的每一句话,都思前想后;如果走的每一步,都小心翼翼;如果做出的每一个选择,都怕将来的自己后悔……那么,要青春做什么!青春那么痛,却义无反顾。Life is an irresistible advance. In the long river of years, there are countless stations, if you say every word, think before and after; if you take every step, you are careful; if you make every choice, you are afraid of regret in the future…… So, what should youth do? Youth is so painful, but there is no turning back.

二、回忆是件很累的事,就像失眠时怎么躺都不对的样子。别老想着“以后还来得及”,有一天你会发现,有些人,有些事,真的会来不及。别指望所有的人都能懂你,因为萝卜白菜,各有所爱。你做了萝卜,自然就做不成青菜。Memory is a very tired thing, just like how to lie down when insomnia is wrong. Don"t dwell on "it"s too late in the future." One day you will find that some people, some things, really will be too late. Don"t expect everyone to understand you, because carrots and cabbages have their own preferences. You can"t cook green vegetables when you make radish.

三、我翻遍了你所有的朋友圈,把你说过想去的地方全都做了一遍攻略,我甚至收藏了你发给我的每一条语音,每天晚上听一遍才能安心地入眠。I"ve searched all your circles of friends and made a strategy for all the places you said you wanted to go. I even have a collection of every voice you sent me. Only by listening to it once a night can I fall asleep peacefully. & lt; br /& gt;

四、可以相信世上真的有美好坚贞的爱情,但是它只属于牛郎织女、梁山伯祝英台、还有外国的罗密欧朱丽叶。因为他们都没有活很久。而我是要活很久的,学会珍惜。We can believe that there is really good and faithful love in the world, but it only belongs to Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai, and foreign Romeo Juliet. Because they didn"t live long. And I want to live a long time, learn to cherish.

五、生活的苦,拿出来说说,不是多了一份安慰,而是多了一些道是非的人。烦扰的事,拿出来念念,不是多了一份支持,而是多了一点麻烦给自己。心情的差,拿出来晒晒,不是多了一份理解,而是多了一群看笑话的人。家庭的愁,拿出来诉诉,不是多了一份帮助,而是多了一些闲言和蜚语。The bitterness of life, come out to say, is not more a comfort, but more people who are right and wrong. Troubleshooting things, come out to read, not more a support, but a little more trouble to themselves. The bad mood, out of the sun, not more understanding, but more people to see jokes. Family worries, come out to complain, not more help, but more gossip and gossip.

六、世界的模样,取决于你凝视它的目光,自己的价值,取决于你的追求与心态,一切美好的愿望,不是在等待中拥有,而是在奋斗中争取!人生就是这样;要得到你必须付出!要付出你还要学会坚持?而且你必须懂得---一定来得及!因为此刻就是你最年轻的自己!The shape of the world depends on your gaze, your own value, your pursuit and mentality, all good wishes, not in waiting, but in struggle! Life is like this; you have to pay to get it! To pay, you have to learn to persevere? And you have to know - it must be too late! Because now is your youngest self!

七、人生好比一条路,而我们就是在路上行走的人,当我们踏上这条路,每一步的落脚都会有不同的体验,零零散散的脚印,点点滴滴的体验,汇聚成人生。Life is like a road, and we are the people walking on it. When we set foot on this road, every step will have a different experience, scattered footprints, bits and pieces of experience, converge into life. & lt; br/>

八、两个人不能时时刻刻陪在对方身边,就没有办法知道对方发生了什么,更不能在第一时间赶到对方身边,如果连交流都没有,渐渐的,两个人就会从彼此的世界慢慢淡出,你不再了解他的朋友圈,他也不再懂你难过的点,时间久了,就只能成为最熟悉的陌生人。Two people can not always be with each other, there is no way to know what happened to each other, let alone rush to the other side at the first time. If there is no communication, gradually, the two people will fade away from each other"s world, you no longer know his circle of friends, he no longer knows the point of your sorrow, and for a long time, he can only become the most familiar. Stranger.

九、人生就如一株蒲公英,看似自由,却常常身不由己。岁月的流逝,带走了我们放荡不羁的时光,带走了我们一串串欢笑声,留下的只剩叹息,对未来的规划。Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but often involuntary. The passage of time has taken away our unruly time, a string of laughter, leaving only sighs, planning for the future.

十、不要以和人相比判定自己的价值,正因我们彼此有别,才使每个人显得特别。如果世上从未有过战争,我们就不会珍惜和平。如果没有冬天,春天也不会来临。Don"t judge your value by comparing yourself with others. It"s because we are different from each other that we make everyone special. If there had never been war in the world, we would not cherish peace. If there were no winter, spring would not come.

十一、很多不好的事情发生了,就没有必要去纠结它为什么会发生,也没有必要去抱怨为什么偏偏发生在我的身上,怎么样去解决好这件事才是你最先要想的。A lot of bad things happen, there is no need to tangle about why it happened, nor to complain about why it happened to me, how to solve this matter is the first thing you want to think about.

十二、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的一天。路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。记住最好的,不一定是最合适的;最合适的,才是真正最好的。无论有多困难,都坚强地抬头挺胸,告诉所有人,你并非他们想象的那样不堪一击!Tell yourself once a day: I"m really good. Keep in mind that every day is the best day of the year. The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to go. Keep in mind that the best is not necessarily the best; the best is the real best. No matter how difficult it is, hold your head up and tell everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think.

十三、曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。每个人都有人性的另一面,请不要把他的另一半逼出来。当脾气好的人卸下底线,你连下跪的机会都没有。Don"t forget what you once owned. We should cherish what we can"t get. Don"t give up what belongs to you. What has been lost is left for memory. Everyone has the other side of human nature, please don"t force his other half out. When a good-tempered person drops the bottom line, you don"t even have a chance to kneel.

十四、大概,每个学不会分手的人,都会遇到一个不能在一起的人,放手舍不得,坚持又太累,爱而不得时最煎熬。只有等到物是人非之后,人才会懂得怀念;总是在我们最不懂的时候,错过的东西却是最真。Probably, every person who can"t learn to break up will meet a person who can"t be together, let go, persist too tired, love can"t be the most painful. Only when things are human beings, people will know how to miss; always when we don"t understand most, what we miss is the most true.

十五、穷人与富人的差别就是思想的差别,你是什么样的思想,你就会有什么样的人生;人要改变很简单,不是看你有多少学历、多大背景,而是看你从何时转换你的观念!The difference between the poor and the rich is the difference of thought, what kind of thought you have, and what kind of life you will have. People need to change very simply, not by how many degrees and backgrounds you have, but by when you change your ideas!

十六、深的话要浅浅地说,长长的路要挥霍的走。大大的世界要率真地感受,会痛的伤口要轻轻的揉。拥别的时候去勇敢的祝福,不被了解的时候,相信自己值得,永远心疼做过的梦,在乎的人要傻傻地爱,经历的事就慢慢地来。别忘了,要温柔,别忘了,要快乐。In deep words, shallow words, long road to waste. The big world should feel it frankly, and the painful wound should be rubbed gently. When you are not understood, believe that you are worth it. Always cherish the dreams you have had. People who care should love foolishly and experience things slowly. Don"t forget, be gentle, don"t forget, be happy.

十七、有些人将就了一辈子才明白,原来可以将就下去就已经是爱了,从来没有一个人让你觉得完美,能让你愿意忍耐缺点的那个人,就是爱人。Some people will understand for a lifetime that love is already the one who can go down. No one ever makes you feel perfect, and the one who makes you willing to endure shortcomings is the lover.

十八、你不用向任何人打听我 ,因为我对每个人不一样。我还是会想你,不过也只是偶尔了,熬夜的习惯我也戒掉了,同时也不会再对你上瘾了。很庆幸生命里有过你的存在,也不遗憾你的离开。You don"t have to ask anyone about me, because I"m different from everyone. I still miss you, but only occasionally, I quit the habit of staying up late, and I won"t be addicted to you anymore. I"m glad you existed in my life, and I don"t regret your leaving.

十九、生活就是做出选择。一旦你做出了你的选择,你就必须活在你的决定中。 总会有那么一个人,常常会拐弯抹角的四处打听你的消息,想知道你最近过得好不好。总会有那么一个人,把你们彼此的回忆看得比自己还重要,舍不得,忘不掉。Life is about making choices. Once you have made your choice, you must live in your decision. There will always be a person who will often turn around and inquire about your news and wonder if you"ve had a good time recently. There will always be a person who sees your memories as more important than yourselves, reluctant to part with them and unable to forget them.

二十、只有人欣赏你的成功,没有人欣赏你的努力,这个社会就是这么现实,低头看勇气,抬头看实力。生活不是不轻松,而是看不淡;在人生的道路上摸索时,我们会发现,人生这条路有时满地荆棘,在我们经过时会弄得满身伤痕;而有时却是鲜花和掌声,让我们心花怒放。我们在人生的路上印下了一个个脚印,我们也慢慢的成长。Only people appreciate your success, no one appreciates your efforts, this society is so realistic, look down at courage, look up at strength. Life is not easy, but not light; when we explore the road of life, we will find that sometimes the road of life is full of thorns and scars when we pass by; sometimes it is flowers and applause that make our hearts blossom. We have printed footprints on the road of life, and we are growing slowly.
