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初中英语面试试讲材料「阅读课」How do(you get to school)

句子大全 2014-09-10 04:58:54

Hello, everyone. 今天小编为大家带来一篇初中英语阅读课的试讲示范文本。该篇课文来自人教版八年级上册第四单元 Section A 部分。接下来是文本示范↓

【教师先向各位考官点头】 Good morning, dear judges. I"m candidate No.1. Today it is my great honor to stand here to give my presentation. My topic is Unit 4——How do you get to school? Now let me begin my presentation.

Class begins. Gmorning, class. Ok, thank you, sit down, please.【教师双手向下示意学生坐下】 Ok, boys and girls, did you still remember the transportation media we"ve learned yesterdsy? Ok, good. Now, let"s check it. Let"s check it now, ok? Ok, first, look at this picture. What can you see in this picture? Yes, many kinds of transportation media. Yes, and now, I will read some sentence to you and you will guess it. Ok, let"s preview. The first one. It is very useful and you may ride it to school. What is it? Yes, it"s bicycle. And then where is the bicycle? Year, it"s here.【教师手指着黑板某一处】And next one. It"s like a train but goes under the floor. Yes, subway. Right. Ok. Where is the subway? Oh, here, right? 【教师手指着另一处】Ok. And next one. It goes in the water, it"s so easy. Ok, what is it? together. It"s boat. Ok. Where is the boat? Yes, it"s here.【教师手指着黑板某一处】And the next one. It is a little difficult for you. It takes you about three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen. That"s far away from here, right? What"s it? Yes, it"s plane. And Where is the plane? Here, in the sky, right? Ok, everyone. You did a very good job. And this time, now. Let"s listen to a tape and after your listening, you should tell me what"s the tape talk about. Ok? Now, you can begin.

Ok, time is up. Who can tell me what"s the tape talk about. Who can tell me? Ok, Lily, please. Ok, it"s about when does Linfei leave school. Your answer is perfect. Thank you. And what else? Ok, is her answer right or wrong? Let"s check the answer together, ok? Yes, open your book. Turn to page 21 and look at this short passage.【教师手指着备课纸稿】Yes, here is a short passage. And now, everybody read this passage quickly and quietly by yourselves. Then tell me what"s this passage tell about, ok? Ok, it"s time to begin.【教师停顿几秒并向四周走动留意学生阅读过程,然后抬起手腕看表】Ok, time is up, now. Anyone wants to tell us the answer. Who can tell me what"s this passage talk about. Ok, this girl, please. Yes, it"s about how does he get to school, right? Year, I think your answer is good. Ok, sit down, please. Now, let"s make an order for this passage. Ok? Yes. Linfei is a hero of this story, right? Yes. First, I will draw a time line for you on the blackboard. 【教师在黑板上画出一条时间线】And at this o"clock, what does he do? He gets up, good.【教师在时间线上标记】First, he gets up at 6 o"clock, yes. And then, what does he do? Yes, showers and has a quick breakfast.【教师在时间线上标记】 And then, what does he do? Yes, he leaves for school. And then, yes, you, thank you. He rides his bicycle to go to the where? To go to the bus station, good. And then, yes, you, please. He takes the early bus to the school. Good job. So it is how does Linfei go to school everymorning, right? Ok, this is the passage tell us about and so easy. Year.

Ok, now, everybody. Read this passage again and then answer three questions, ok. Now, everybody looks at the PPT. I have three questions for you and I will read them one by one. First, how does he get to school. how does he get to school. And the second one, how long does it take. how long does it take. And the last one, how far is it from his home to his school. how far is it from his home to his school. Yes, clear? Ok, now, you can begin. Read this passage again quietly and carefully.【教师停顿几秒并向四周走动留意学生阅读过程,然后抬起手腕看表】Ok, I"m sorry to interrupt you that time is up. So who can tell me? Who can answer the first question? Ok, Jack, please. Jack said he goes to school by bus, do you agree with him? Oh, I"m sorry it is not all right, but thank you, too. And anyone else? Yes, Mary, please. He not only goes to school by bus but also by bike. Great! First, he rides his bicycle to the station and the second, he takes the early bus to the school. Ok, thank you, sit down, please. And next one, how long does it take? Who can answer the second question? Who can answer the second question? Yes, Alex, please. Ok, Alex said it"s 35 minites. Great. Sit down, please. And the last one, I think it is so easy for you, right? How far is it from his home to chool? Yes, together. What? ten kilometers. Ok, good. So these are the answer of oue questions, and any questions about it?

Ok, now. Anybody, let"s do some execise to make us consolidation about this passage. Open your book and turn to page 21, look at 3b, yes, the pair work. Now I need your pair works. Ok, at the right part【教师指着纸稿的右部分】here are some examples for you. Here are some examples for you. And at these four pictures you should make a dialogue according to the pictures. Do you understand? Ok, now, who can read these examples for us? I want two volunteers. Ok, yes, you, please, and your deskmate. Yes, you can stand there. Good, very good, sit down, please. So they have showed the example, they have showed examples for us. Now you can make the dialogue by yourselves in groups, yes, with your deskmates. Make a dialogue according to the left three pictures except the first one, ok? Now, you can make the dialogue. Begin, make the dialogue with your deskmates. And then I will invite someone to come to the front to show it to us, ok? Ok. everybody, time is up now. I want two volunteers to come to the front to show your dialogue. Ok, you two, please, come to the front. Yes, you can begin. Oh, wait, louder, please. Yes, you should louder, please. Ok, thank you. What about their performance? Perfect or just so so? Yes, perfect. Ok, perfect.【教师鼓掌】You can come back to your sits.
