
日记大全 > 句子大全

元旦将至 若需入住酒店 请保持最基本的防疫意识 (含英文版)

句子大全 2011-05-04 22:39:08


New year"s Day is coming soon, which is also the last long holiday before the Spring Festival. Many people may choose to go out to play three months after the national day, which means they will stay in hotels.


Although the epidemic has eased somewhat, there are still a few newly confirmed cases in some areas. Therefore, we should not take it lightly when we are away from home. We should pay attention to the following points when checking into hotels:

避免接触 Avoid contact with


During your stay at the hotel, avoid unnecessary contact with others, whether staff or other guests. You should wear a mask when taking the elevator. As the elevator is a confined space, if there are a large number of people, try not to ride together.


In addition, the front desk, corridor and other areas, try not to touch the relevant items, because the hotel has a large flow of people, and from all over the country, who is what, no one knows, so should pay special attention.

戴好口罩 Bring a mask


The hotel is a public area, so it is very necessary to wear masks. Every room in the hotel is close to each other and the passageways are relatively private, so be sure to take care of personal protection.


You should pay attention to the ventilation in the room and keep the air circulation smooth, although this is winter, but still recommended. At the same time, it is suggested that hotels with independent air conditioning should be chosen as far as possible so as to circulate less air between rooms.

自备物品 Bring your own things


When staying in the hotel during the epidemic, it is better to bring your own daily necessities, including toothpicks, paper cups, paper towels, cups, etc. Try not to touch the lavabo and any articles placed on the lavabo

知名酒店 Well-known hotel


When checking in, it is recommended to choose well-known hotels with good sanitary conditions, because professional hotels have strict rules and procedures for all aspects. Especially do not choose private hotels, these hotels are very difficult to meet the standard of health conditions.

建议 Advice:


During the epidemic, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary travel as far as possible. If you must travel, you should always keep the awareness of epidemic prevention, and avoid gathering, touching and staying.


