
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2009-05-13 15:00:37

一,你要做一个不动声色的大人了 不准情绪化 不准偷偷想念 不准回头看 去过自己另外的生活要听话。

You have to be a quiet adult, no emotion, no sneaking thoughts, no looking back, and living another life.

二,你可以躲在被窝里哭 可以吸烟喝酒但一定不要再半夜发不该发的消息做不该做的决定。

You can hide in bed and cry, smoke and drink, but you must never send messages and make decisions in the middle of the night.

三,你总要一个人 尝遍所有孤独。

You always have to taste all loneliness by yourself.


People always have to say goodbye to things they can"t hold

五,想离开的人有千万种理由 想陪你的赶不走。

People who want to leave have thousands of reasons to stay with you.


Don"t try to get close to a lonely person. When you know him well enough, he will hurt you and your departure will hurt him.


Everything is irrevocably going vulgar

八,只有神仙和野兽才喜欢孤独 人是要朋友的。

Only gods and beasts like loneliness. People want friends.

九,你千万不要见怪 城市是几百万人一起孤独生活的地方。

Never mind that cities are places where millions of people live alone together.


Lonely, that is, after cleaning, putting on new clothes, dressing up very well, going downstairs, buying a bottle of water, and then going upstairs, you will be happy for a long time when you meet someone you know on the road

十一,丘壑难平 山河不再 人星烟火 已无半点属于我。

There are no more mountains and rivers, and no fireworks belong to me at all

十二,害怕一个人的独白 害怕一个人的舞台 害怕孤独的未来。

Fear of a person"s monologue, fear of a person"s stage, fear of a lonely future

十三,可以三五结群 也能独自一人 一个人挺好 无非就是自由中带点孤独。

It"s good to be alone or in groups of three or five. It"s just a little lonely in freedom.


I got through the night when I cried all by myself.

十五,每个人 都有一个世界 安静而孤独。

Everyone has a quiet and lonely world.
