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句子大全 2011-02-18 02:57:23

14 Phrasal Verbs with THROW (with Meaning and Examples) 带有THROW的14个短语动词

Common phrasal verbs with THROW with their meaning and examples in English. 常见的短语动词与THROW及其含义和英语示例。

Throw away 丢弃

Meaning: Discard (trash, garbage, or the like), to toss out, to put in the trash, to dispose of 丢弃(垃圾,垃圾等),扔掉,放入垃圾桶,处理掉Example: He wanted to throw away the cup, but he couldn’t find a trash can. 他想扔掉杯子,但他找不到垃圾桶。

Throw away 丢弃

Meaning: Waste, to squander 浪费,浪费Example: The team threw away its chance at the semifinals. 球队在半决赛中丢掉了机会。

Throw down 丢下

Meaning: Cause something one is holding to drop, often forcefully 导致一个人持有的东西掉落,往往是强有力的Example: The soldiers threw down their weapons and surrendered. 士兵扔下武器并投降。

Useful phrasal verbs with THROW | Image 1. 有用的短语动词与THROW

Throw in 扔在

Meaning: Add something extra free of charge 免费添加一些额外的东西Example: If you take the large size, we’ll throw in a set of tea towels. 如果你要大号的,我们会加一套茶巾。

Throw off 扔掉

Meaning: Confuse; especially, to lose a pursuer 混淆; 尤其是失去追求者Example: I never saw her without glasses before, so it threw me off when she got contact lenses. 我以前从未见过她没戴过眼镜,所以当她戴隐形眼镜时我就把它扔了。

Throw off 扔掉

Meaning: Introduce errors or inaccuracies; to skew 引入错误或不准确; 倾斜Example: The dirt in the apparatus threw off the results. 设备中的污垢使结果失效。

Throw on 扔掉

Meaning: Hastily put on (clothes) 匆匆穿上(衣服)Example: He threw on a T-shirt and raced outside. 他穿上T恤,在外面跑。

Throw out 抛出

Meaning: Discard; to dispense with something; to throw away 丢弃; 放弃一些东西; 扔掉Example: Just throw out that pen if it doesn’t write anymore. 如果笔不再写,请丢弃该笔。

Throw out 抛出

Meaning: Dismiss or expel someone from any longer performing duty or attending somewhere 解雇或驱逐某人执行任何长期职务或出席某个地方Example: The board threw the man out, because he wouldn’t cooperate and agree with their plans to remodernize the facility. 董事会将该人扔出去,因为他不会合作并同意他们重建现有设施的计划。

Throw out 抛出

Meaning: Offer an idea for consideration 提供一个想法供考虑Example: Let me throw this out there – how about if we make the igloo out of butter? Would that work? 让我把它扔出去 - 如果我们用黄油制作冰屋怎么样? 那会有用吗?

Throw out 抛出

Meaning: Produce in a haphazard fashion 以随意的方式生产Example: This program keeps throwing out errors. 此程序不会丢失错误。

Throw up 呕吐

Meaning: Vomit 呕吐Example: The baby threwup all over my shirt. 宝宝趴在我的衬衫上。

Throw up 呕吐

Meaning: Produce something new or unexpected 产生新的或意外的东西Example: This system has thrown up a few problems. 此系统引发了一些问题。

Throw up 呕吐

Meaning: Cause something such as dust or water to rise into the air 使灰尘或水等物质上升到空气中Example: The car wheels threw up a shower of stones. 汽车车轮抛出一阵石头。

Useful phrasal verbs with THROW | Image 2. 有用的短语动词与THROW
