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致自己的人生感悟语录 言简意赅(迷茫时多看看)

句子大全 2010-11-27 15:36:42


Don"t try your best, but try your best. Even if you don"t have a good appearance and ability, you should have overwhelming domineering power to illuminate your way with your own light.

二、人生就像喝酒一样,第一杯入口,天地之间豪情万丈,便是青年时代,第二杯下肚,微醺,朦朦胧胧之间,看到人情冷暖,人已到中年,第三杯入腹,醉了,醒了,看破了世事,这便是老年了。Life is like drinking, the first cup of entrance, between heaven and earth, is the youth, the second cup of belly, slightly dim, hazy, to see the cold and warm human feelings, people have reached middle age. The third cup enters the belly, gets drunk, wakes up, sees through the world, this is the old age.


Don"t comment on me, don"t point fingers at me, you"re not me, how do you know what I think, you don"t know me, you don"t know my story. So, if you want to stay with me, just keep silent, or leave my world.

四、不要在一帆风顺的时候,装成修行人;不要在遇到挫折的时候,变回普通人。人这辈子,真心最宝贵! 社会越来越现实, 人情也越来越冷淡, 身边的人来来去去, 珍惜你的却寥寥无几。 很多人,因利靠近你, 也因利远离你, 谁是真心,谁是假意, 日久见人心。Don"t pretend to be a practitioner when things are going smoothly; don"t turn into an ordinary person when you encounter setbacks. Man"s heart is the most precious thing in his life! The society is becoming more and more realistic, and the human relationship is becoming more and more indifferent.

There are few people around you who cherish you. Many people, because of profit near you, but also because of profit far away from you, who is sincere, who is false, see the hearts of people over time.

五、人有两条路要走,一条是必须走的,一条是想走的,你必须把必须走的路走漂亮,才可以走想走的路。There are two ways to go. One is to go, the other is to go. You must walk beautifully before you can go the way you want to go.

七、如果你是一件商品,我相信当我叫价一千的时候,其它人将退出竞拍,因为你只有在我心中才是天价商品。我喝醉了酒流入街头可怜的像条狗,哭着对你说别走,你义无反顾笑笑也不回头。If you are a commodity, I believe that when I bid 1000, others will withdraw from the bidding, because you are the highest price commodity only in my mind. I was drunk and flowed into the street like a poor dog, crying and saying goodbye to you. You never look back, laugh or look back.

八、真正的爱,你是给予彼此一些特别的东西。不是谁都有能力给予你最好的一切,但至少是可以用一些与众不同的东西,证明在彼此心里的价值。如此就深刻理解了那句话:“如果你给我的和给别人的一样,那我也就不要了。”True love, you give each other something special. Not everyone has the ability to give you the best of everything, but at least you can use something different to prove the value in each other"s hearts. So I deeply understood the sentence: "If you give me the same as others, then I will not."

九、即将分别,要说的话太多太多,千言万语化作一句,毋忘我。对于命运不能屈服更不能绝望那样你就输了。总是在不经意的时刻,泪水会不自觉地流下来,默默打湿无滋无味的情绪。When we are going to separate, there are too many words to say, and thousands of words can be translated into one sentence, so don"t forget me. You can"t give in to fate, let alone despair, and then you lose. Always in inadvertent moments, tears will flow unconsciously, silently damp the tasteless mood.

十、你不知道某些时刻,我有多么难过。你不知道,没有回应的等待,真的让人很累。你不知道,我是鼓起了多大的勇气,才敢念念不忘。又或者,你不是不知道,只是假装不知道。你那么自私,我那么傻。You don"t know how sad I am at some point. You don"t know. It"s really tiring to wait without a response. You don"t know how much courage I have mustered to remember. Or, you don"t know, just pretend not to know. You are so selfish, I am so silly.


Some people can"t hold their tongue and hide things in their hearts. They say what they want and never dodge; they do what they want and never hesitate. Actually, people who are easy to be impulsive have the most sincere and clean hearts. In fact, people who use their emotions are the ones who care most about and value most.

十二、放下过去的最好方法,就是过好你的现在。频频回头的人,一定是现在混得不好。我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾经来过这里。The best way to let go of the past is to live your present well. Those who turn back frequently must not mix well now. I"m still waiting for you, but you"ve forgotten that you"ve been here before.

十三、永远对生活充满希望,每个没心没肺的现在,其实都有掏心掏肺的曾经;每个有声有色地爱过,其实就是有滋有味地痛过。好好地活着,别在乎太多;认真地活着,别奢求更多。人只能活一次,千万别活得太累。Always full of hope for life, every heartless now, in fact, there have been heart-to-heart; every voice and color of love, in fact, is a taste of pain. Live well, don"t care too much; Live earnestly, don"t expect more. People can only live once. Don"t live too hard.

十四、累了也别抱怨,哭了也别出声,这个社会没有人不累,只是习惯了露出笑脸,藏起了伤痕。有付出,才会有回报,有汗水,才会有成果;难过了,不必告诉别人,委屈了,无需愤怒消沉。生活一回,再累,都别放弃生活,再苦,也要学会知足,一切看淡了,心也就不累了。Don"t complain when you are tired or cry. No one in this society is not tired, but is used to showing a smiling face and hiding scars. If you give something, you will get something in return. If you sweat, you will get something.

If you are sad, you don"t have to tell others. If you are grieving, you don"t need to be angry and depressed. Life once, again tired, do not give up life, again bitter, but also learn to be contented, everything is weak, the heart is not tired.

十五、那些扬言要陪你走完一生的人,总是走到半途就不见了,大概人们就是这样,毫无征兆的说爱你,然后又悄无声息地离开。Those who threaten to accompany you through life are always gone halfway. Maybe that"s how people say they love you without warning, and then they leave quietly.

十六、再坚强的人也有脆弱的时候,再豁达的人也有委屈的时候。有些悲伤不一定谁都会懂,有些委屈不一定要进给所有人听。不言不语,不是不说,只是不想说;无声无息,不是无心,只是没人懂。No matter how strong a person is, there are times when he is weak, and when he is open-minded, there are times when he is grieving. Some sadness may not be understood by everyone, and some grievances may not necessarily be heard by everyone. Silence, not silence, just don"t want to say; silence, not inadvertence, but no one understands.

十七、当你手中抓住一件东西不放时,你只能拥有这件东西,如果你肯放手,你就有机会选择别的。人的心若死执自己的观念,不肯放下,那么他的智慧也只能达到某种程度而已。When you hold on to something in your hand, you can only have it. If you let go, you have a chance to choose something else. If a man"s mind holds fast to his ideas and refuses to let them go, his wisdom can only reach a certain level.

十八、事,想开了最好,想不开也就算,尽心了努力了就无遗憾。路,走通了就好,走不通就绕行,付出了争取了就不后悔。Things, want to open the best, do not want to count, dedicated efforts will have no regrets. If you can"t walk, you can go around. If you can"t, you won"t regret it.

十九、要懂得倾听生活,人人都在生活,但不是所有人都能享受生活,只要你学会倾听它,你就会发现它的美好。一个人的力量是很难应付生活中无边的苦难的,所以,我们需要别人的帮助,也要去帮助别人。以积极的心态去对待人生,不管发生什么事,都请安静且愉快对待人生,勇敢地、大胆地,而且永远地微笑着。To learn to listen to life, everyone is living, but not everyone can enjoy life, as long as you learn to listen to it, you will find it beautiful. A person"s strength is very difficult to cope with the endless suffering in life, so we need the help of others, but also to help others.

Treat life with a positive attitude. No matter what happens, please treat life quietly and happily. Be brave, brave and always smile.

二十、你是我生活的全部,是我一生拼搏奋斗的赌注。为了你披荆斩棘,为了你艰辛受苦,为了你众生忙碌,我却依然义无反顾。因为你就是我全部的甜蜜幸福。You are the whole of my life, the wager of my life"s struggle. For you to cut through the thorns, for you to suffer hardships, for your all living beings busy, but I still have no hesitation. Because you are all my sweet happiness.

二十一、给时间一点时间,让过去过去,让开始开始。让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来。 你离开我之后,我永远不会再问你到底爱没爱过我,只要你牵了她的手,就不再是我的英雄。Give time, let the past pass, let the beginning begin. What makes you sad, one day, you will say it with a smile. After you leave me, I will never ask you whether you love me or not. As long as you hold her hand, you will no longer be my hero.

二十二、人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。原来世界上真的没有什么是永远。一段友情,离开了就淡了。一段爱情,分离了就散了。珍惜现在所拥有的,也许下一秒,就不再属于你的。Life is only a few decades. Don"t leave any regrets for yourself. Laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry. It"s meaningless to suppress yourself when you love. It turned out that nothing in the world really lasts forever. A friendship, leaving the light. A love, separated and separated. Cherish what you have now, maybe next second, it will no longer belong to you.
