
日记大全 > 句子大全

湘少版 六年级英语上册单词列表(例句汇总)

句子大全 2008-12-11 00:19:10



Unit 1(8个单词)


·during[djr] / prep.在……期间The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.(冰箱里的食物在停电期间化开了。)·holiday[hlde] / n.假日;假期We had a wonderful holiday.(我们过了一个很棒的假日。)·learn[l:n] / vt.& vi.学习I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·practise[prkts] / vt.& vi.练习Lauren practises the piano every day.(劳伦每天练习钢琴。)·speak[spi:k] / vt.& vi.说She is speaking into her cell phone.(她正对着手机说话。)·bell[bel] / n.铃Ring the bell to see if they""re in.(按按门铃,看他们在不在家。)·ring[r] / vt.鸣;响He heard the school bell ring.(他听见学校的铃声响了。)·take out[teik aut] / v.拿出Could you please take out trash?(你能把垃圾带出去吗?)Unit 2(13个单词)


·always[:lwez] / adv.总是;经常This store is always open.(这家商店一直营业。)·weekday[wi:kde] / n.平日(除周末以外的日子)Do not you go to the office on weekday?(难道你工作日不上班吗?)·often[fn] / adv.常常;时常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)·after[ɑ:ft(r)] / prep.在……之后This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)·wave[wev] / n.挥手They came to the front door to wave goodbye.(他们来到前门挥手告别。)·return[rt:n] / v.返回An interval of a year elapsed before we were able to return.(隔了一年我们才得以返回。)·sometimes[smtamz] / adv.有时sometimes it snows,and sometimes it rains.(有时候下雪,有时候下雨。)·never[nev(r)] / adv.从不Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永远不会飞。)·a few[ fju:] / 一些;几个I made a few phone calls.(我打了几个电话。)·early[:li] / adv.早,提早It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·hurt[h:t] / vt.伤害My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)·observe[bz:v] / vt.& vi.观察Are there any classes I could observe?(有我可以观摩的课吗?)·scientist[santst] / n.科学家He is a scientist of high prestige.(他是一位有声望的科学家。)Unit 3(7个单词)

·search[s:t] / v.查找;寻找It was a fruitless search.(搜寻工作毫无结果。)·find out about[fand][at][bat] / 发现;弄清(信息等)I hope we can find out about it.(我希望我们能查清此事。)·world[w:ld] / n.世界This world has enough for everyone""s need.(这个世界能满足所有人的需求。)·email[""i:mel] / n.电子邮件;给……发电子邮件I""ll email her the documents.(我将用电邮把这些文件发送给她。)·send[send] / vt.发送;寄I am going to send this letter out.(我要把这封信寄出去。)·greeting[gri:t] / n.问候They exchanged greetings.(他们互致问候。)·wonderful[wndfl] / adj.极好的;精彩的Wow!What a wonderful test score!(哇,你的成绩真好!)Unit 4(11个单词)

·the Mid-Autumn Festival[][md][:tm][festvl] / n.中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.(中秋节就要到了。)·nearby[nba] / adj.附近的Is there a hospital nearby?(这附近有医院吗?)·centre[sent(r)] / n.中心There is a flagstaff in the centre of the field.(草场中心有一根旗杆。)·mooncake[""mu:nkek] / n.月饼We celebrate the Moon Festival by eating mooncake.(我们吃月饼来庆祝中秋节。)·type[tap] / n.类型I can type and take shorthand very well.(我打字和速记相当好。)·lotus[lts] / n.莲花After the rain the lotus flowers looked fuller.(雨后荷花显得更加润泽了。)·seed[si:d] / n.种子Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.(春天把种子播在地里。)·bean[bi:n] / n.豆子The French bean in the garden grows fast.(园子里的菜豆长得很快。)·taste[test] / vt.& vi.尝Let""s taste the delicious food together.(让我们一起品尝这美味的食物吧。)·bright[brat] / adj.明亮的Our classroom is clean and bright now.(现在我们的教室既干净又明亮。)·even[i:vn] / adv.更加;甚至He didn""t even hear what I said.(他甚至没听见我说什么。)Unit 5(8个单词)

·forecast[f:kɑ:st] / vt.预报Thundery weather is forecast.(天气预报说会有雷雨。)·clear[kl(r)] / adj.晴朗的The muddy water slowly cleared.(浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。)·light[lat] / adj.n.轻柔的;微弱的;灯What""s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·rain[ren] / n.vt.& vi.雨;下雨It is going to rain.(要下雨了。)·heavy[hevi] / adj.大量的;重的How heavy are you?(你有多重?)·safe[sef] / adj.安全的By using the safe,your money will be safer.(能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全。)·storm[st:m] / n.暴风雨The storm has subsided.(暴风雨停息了。)·won""t=will not[wnt] / abbr.将不I am very sorry I won""t be able to go.(很遗憾,我不能去。)Unit 6(12个单词)


·bring[br] / vt.带来The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)·bottle[btl] / n.瓶子There were two empty bottles on the table.(桌上有两个空瓶子。)·picnic[pknk] / n.野餐I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school.(放学后我带孩子们去公园野餐。)·fruit[fru:t] / n.水果I want some fruit.(我想要一些水果。)·bar[bɑ:(r)] / n.条;棒I""ll see you in the bar later.(一会儿酒吧见。)·peanut[pi:nt] / n.花生Peanut are a healthy and delicious snack.(花生是健康美味的小吃。)·candy[kndi] / n.糖果I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)·wait[wet] / vt.& vi.等;等到The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。)·can[kn] / n.罐;听You can make that dream come true.(你可以让那个梦想实现。)·cookie[kki] / n.曲奇饼干Each cookie has a letter!(每块饼干上有一个字母。)·radio[redi] / n.收音机This radio set is unconventionally shaped.(这个收音机样子很别致。)·volleyball[vlib:l] / n.排球They are fond of playing volleyball.(他们喜欢打排球。)Unit 7(6个单词)

·weak[wi:k] / adj.弱的She is a little weak in spelling.(她在拼写方面较差。)·slow[sl] / adj.慢的The traffic is heavy and slow.(交通拥挤,车流缓慢。)·another[n(r)] / pron.另一个He was hurt, and another player replaced him.(他受了伤,另一个选手取代了他。)·himself[hmself] / pron.他自己He needed space to be himself.(他需要自己的独立的空间。)·Ms[mz] / n.女士Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home.(海史密斯女士已经在瑞士安了家。)·themselves[mselvz] / pron.他们自己;她们自己;它们自己They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.(他们好像玩得都很开心。)Unit 8(14个单词)


·should[d] / 应该When you are working,you should sit up straight.(工作时,你应该挺身坐直。)·shouldn""t=should not[dnt] / abbr.不应该You shouldn""t have behaved like that.(你不该那么做。)·waste[west] / n.vt.& vi.浪费I hate waste.(我讨厌浪费。)·blouse[blaz] / n.女士短上衣She wears a white blouse today.(今天她穿了一件白色衬衫。)·enough[nf] / adj.足够的I think I have said enough.(我想我已经说得够多了。)·save[sev] / vt.节约We should try to save water.(我们应设法节约用水。)·drop[drp] / n.(一)滴There is not a drop left.(一滴都不剩了。)·fresh[fre] / adj.新鲜的They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets.(这些现在可以在超市买到新鲜的了。)·earth[:θ] / n.地球We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.(我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去保护她。)·exercise[ekssaz] / n.锻炼;练习Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育锻炼有助于增强体质。)·instead[nsted] / adv.代替He will do the work instead of you.(他将代替你做这项工作。)·kill[kl] / vt.& vi.捕杀Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.(加氯是为了杀死细菌。)·litter[lt(r)] / vt.& vi.乱扔废弃物Don""t litter.(不要随地扔东西。)·wild[wald] / adj.野生的These herbs usually grow wild.(这些草药一般是野生的。)Unit 9(4个单词)


·than[n] / conj.比It was much more enjoyable than I had expected.(这比我预期的有趣得多。)·clay[kle] / n.黏土;泥土There she began to model in clay.(在那儿她开始用黏土做模型。)·decide[dsad] / vt.决定I had to decide right then.(我当时就得做决定。)·loud[lad] / adj.大声的Shut up!Your voice is too loud.(闭嘴!你太吵了。)Unit 10(11个单词)


·feel[fi:l] / vt.感觉I am feeling very depressed.(我觉得非常沮丧。)·well[wel] / adj.(身体)好的She is not a well woman.(她不是一个健康的女人。)·cough[kf] / vt.& vi.咳嗽I couldn""t stop coughing.(我咳嗽不止。)·headache[hedek] / n.头痛I had the beginnings of a headache.(我有了头痛的先兆。)·fever[fi:v(r)] / n.发烧I feel as if I""m running a fever.(我好像有点儿发热。)·medicine[medsn] / n.药This medicine tastes very bitter.(这药苦极了。)·rest[rest] / n.休息It""s time for having a rest.(该休息一会儿了。)·just[dst] / adv.只是;仅仅Her wedding ring fits on her finger just right.(她的婚戒戴在她手上刚刚好。)·check[tek] / vt.检查Check your work before handing it in.(交作业以前先检查一遍。)·ill[l] / adj.有病的;不健康的She is ill and is taken care of by the doctor.(她生病了,医生在照看她。)·invite[nvat] / vt.邀请We also invite friends to join us.(我们也邀请朋友参加。)Unit 11(14个单词)


·theatre[θit] / n.剧院A new film is on at Snow Theatre.(雪剧院上演一部新电影。)·call[k:l] / v.打电话I made a phone call to the United States to talk to a friend.(我打电话给美国的一个朋友。)·plan[pln] / n.v.计划This plan was a great success.(这项计划非常成功。)·idea[ad] / n.主意Whose idea is it?(这是谁的主意?)·play[ple] / n.戏剧Come and play!(一起来玩吧!)·concert[knst] / n.音乐会The children put on an impromptu concert for the visitors.(孩子们为来访者即兴献上了一场音乐会。)·hall[h:l] / n.大厅The hall was sumptuously decorated.(大厅装饰得富丽堂皇。)·film[flm] / n.电影I must go and see this film.(我一定要去看这部电影。)·carnival[kɑ:nvl] / n.嘉年华I was this carnival""s main attraction.(我曾是这个嘉年华里最有魅力的人。)·diary[dari] / n.日记Do you keep a diary?(你经常记日记吗?)·free[fri:] / adj.空闲的;免费的Do you have any free tables?(请问有空的位置吗?)·newspaper[nju:zpep(r)] / n.报纸This quotation is taken from a newspaper article.(这段引文是从报上抄录来的。)·pig[pg] / n.猪The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.(猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。)·yourselves[j:selvz] / 你们自己You must decide for yourselves.(得由你们自己来决定。)Unit 12(18个单词)


·Christmas[krsms] / n.圣诞节Merry Christmas.(圣诞快乐。)·decorate[dekret] / vt.装饰Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.(用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。)·colourful[klfl] / adj.彩色的The colourful balloons rose high into the air.(五颜六色的气球腾空而起。)·light[lat] / n.灯What""s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·present[preznt] / n.礼物Here is a present for you.(这是给你的礼物。)·dress up[dres p] / 装扮;穿上盛装Mother loved to dress me up.(妈妈喜欢打扮我。)·Santa Claus[snt kl:z] / n.圣诞老人Take your pet to see Santa claus!(带上宠物和圣诞老人合个影!)·receive[rsi:v] / vt.& vi.收到You will receive the full equivalent of your money.(你将收到与你的款项价值完全同等的物品。)·merry[meri] / adj.欢乐的I wish you a merry Christmas!(祝你圣诞快乐!)·greet[gri:t] / vt.问候She greeted us with a smile.(她微笑着向我们打招呼。)·before[bf:(r)] / prep.在……之前There""s only one person before me in line.(在队伍里我前面就只有一个人。)·decoration[dekren] / n.装饰物You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.(你可以用刺绣来作进一步的装饰。)·give out[ɡiv aut] / 派送;分发There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.(有人在入口处散发传单。)·ham[hm] / n.火腿Cut the ham into pieces.(把火腿切成片。)·hearty[hɑ:ti] / adj.丰盛的The men ate a hearty breakfast.(这些人吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。)·pudding[pd] / n.布丁He had two helpings of pudding.(他吃了两份布丁。)·roast[rst] / vt.& vi.烤This roast hen is done to a turn.(这鸡烤得正到火候。)·turkey[t:ki] / n.火鸡Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.(妈妈烤了火鸡当晚餐。)《湘少版_六年级英语上册》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
