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句子大全 2009-01-10 18:18:51

「来源: |英语 ID:yingyu9」





来源:麦说英文 (ID:M_stone2017)



他没有读过大学,基本上没有受过正规教育,硬是靠在商务印书馆做学徒自学成才,变成了英语泰斗。《King"s English》字典主编H.W. Fowler在1933年说,葛传槼给 Fowler 写信,挑出他字典里的几十处错误,Fowler回信称赞:… your letter is in faultless English, and, long as it is, nowhere betrays, as nearly all foreigners’ letters do by some trifling lapse in idiom, that its writer is not an Englishman. I receive many letters in English from foreigners, but do not remember ever having had occasion to say this before.(大意为:你的信使用完全无误的英语写成,并且,虽然很长,没有一处透露出来你的英语非母语,大多非英语母语的外国人的信都有一些习语上的细微错误。我收到了很多外国人用英语写的信,不记得哪一次能有机会说出我跟你说的这些话。)


在about the study of Grammar 中,先生写道:

I have been told by more than one bookseller that, here in China, so far as books on English are concerned, grammars sell better than other kinds of books except readers and dictionaries. And it seems to me that nearly every Chinese who learns English at all reads a grammar. I myself am a serious student of grammar; I have read I cannot tell how many English grammar books, by Chinese, English,American, Japanese, Danish and Dutch authors, and am always on the look-out for new ones.

The object of this article, however, is to advise you not to devote too much time to the study of grammar. I study grammar for grammar"s sake, but I do not think every student of English should do so. You study English in order to be able to make practical use of it. This object is not to be attained by mere study of grammar. I do not even think I should now be able to write such simple English as that of this book if I had read nothing but grammars.




I believe you have already read a few grammars, and probably have spent a great deal of time on the subject, though you may not now be able to write anything say a short letter-grammatically perfect. Grammar may help you to use English, but only to a certain extents.Do not look on the study of grammar as all or nearly all that you have to do in order to master English. Careful reading and constant practice are far more important.

语法可能帮助你使用英语,但也只有在一定程度上。别把语法的学习看作你为了精通英语而必须干的全部(或者几乎全部)的工作 。仔细阅读和反复练习比学习语法更为重要。




Books on English are intended for learners of the language ; and it is very gratifying to note that far more such books are now available than fifty years ago or more. I myself have written several, and am glad to say that I often receive letters telling of their usefulness to learners of English.


But I must give a word of warning here. Language is not an exact science, nor a mere matter of principles, rules, exceptions, definitions,formulas, and diagrams. Books on English are helpful, but no one can master English by reading such books only. Perhaps the very fact of there being so many such books today accounts for the frequency with which we meet with people who can talk and write about English without being able to talk and write it. This is due to their ignorance of the fact that without wide and careful reading the mastery of English is impossible.


I would advise all learners of English to devote more time to reading books in English and less time to reading books on English.

What book in English are you reading? Is it a book of stories or essays or travel sketches? Or is it a biography or a diary or merely a tex tbook of history or geography? Well, if you happen to spend your days and nights on books on English, it is time you acted on my warning.


