
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2008-02-27 09:36:10

我梦寐以求的一切,也想过很多次 再见面的时候

I"ve always dreamed of seeing each other many times

是应该站的远远的 偷偷说句好久不见

Should stand far away secretly say a long time no see

还是应该跑过去抱你 说我一直很想你被爱的时候是很难不温柔的,举个例子吧,我从来不喜欢开口向别人要什么。

生日也是从来不提 也懒得庆祝,所以也从来不期待

It"s hard not to be gentle when I" ve always wanted you to be loved example, I never like to ask someone for anything.

Birthday is never mentioned and too lazy to celebrate, so I never expect it


Last year my roommates spent a whole day trying to get me out of the room and went back to the dorm to surprise me a room, happier than my birthday man.


When they talked this year, I said with a smile, I want a very big durian for my birthday this year




Look, like a kid, I"ve always been in control

I don"t want anything

In the past twenty years, it was the first time I could not restrain my inner love. The moment the heart beat at high speed that day was a hundred times more serious than the college entrance examination. I still remember it for a long time.

我一条一条 把朋友圈锁起来,可是那天你说

你把朋友圈开了好吗 我想看看你的朋友圈,我说 啊 可是我是一条一条锁起来的

I locked my circle of friends one by one, but that day you said

I want to see your circle of friends, I said, but I"m a locked one

你说 好吧,我想了很久很久,花了一整个晚上,把几百条朋友圈一条一条地开

那时候 我应该是真的很想跟你有以后我开始像你 越来越易沉默,才知 原来沉默 是因为失望,人们常说 如初太难

You said OK, I thought for a long time, spent a whole night, hundreds of friends one by one open

At that time, I should really want to have you after I began to like you more and more easy to silence, only to know that silence is because of disappointment, people often say that it is too difficult

我却在想 爱本就无需如初 爱是日渐深刻的,我近来 爱你 爱的有些迷茫

就像写封信 写到一半 我突然不知该如何写下去,我慢慢躺下来 闭着眼 深吸一口气 大叹一口气

睁开眼的瞬间 满脑子便是你

I"m thinking that love does n" t have to be as deep as first love, I"ve been a little confused lately

It was like writing a letter half way I suddenly didn"t know how to write it down. I lay down slowly, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and sighed

The moment you open your eyes





