
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-04-13 23:54:45





Most earthquakes occur within the upper 15 miles of the earth‘s surface. But earthquakes can and do occur at all depths to about 460 miles. Their number decreases as the depth increases. At about 460 miles one earthquake occurs only every few years. Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much. In comparison with the total number of earthquakes each year, the number of disastrous earthquakes is very small.

The extent of the disaster in an earthquake depends on many factors. If you carefully build a toy house with an erect set, it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table. But if you build a toy house with a pack of cards, a slight shake of the table will make it fall. An earthquake in Agadir, Morocco, was not strong enough to be recorded on distant instruments, but it completely destroyed the city. Many stronger earthquakes have done comparatively little damage. If a building is well constructed and built on solid ground, it will resist an earthquake. Most deaths in earthquakes have been due to faulty building construction or poor building sites. A third and very serious factor is panic. When people rush out into narrow streets, more deaths will result.

The United Nations has played an important part in reducing the damage done by earthquakes. It has sent a team of experts to all countries known to be affected by earthquakes. Working with local geologists and engineers, the experts have studied the nature of the ground and the type of most practical building code for the local area. If followed, these suggestions will make disastrous earthquakes almost a thing of the past.

There is one type of earthquake disaster that little can be done about. This is the disaster caused by seismic sea waves, or tsunamis. (These are often called tidal waves, but the name is incorrect. They have nothing to do with tides.) In certain areas, earthquakes take place beneath the sea. These submarine earthquakes sometimes give rise to seismic sea waves. The waves are not noticeable out at sea because of their long wave length. But when they roll into harbors, they pile up into walls of water 6 to 60 feet high. The Japanese call them “tsunamis”, meaning “harbor waves”, because they reach a sizable height only in harbors.

Tsunamis travel fairly slowly, at speeds up to 500 miles an hour. An adequate warning system is in use to warn all shores likely to be reached by the waves. But this only enables people to leave the threatened shores for higher ground. There is no way to stop the oncoming wave.

1. Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?

A. The number of earthquakes is closely related to depth.

B. Roughly the same number of earthquakes occur each year.

C. Earthquakes are impossible at depths over 460 miles.

D. Earthquakes are most likely to occur near the surfaces.

2. The destruction of Agadir is an example of ______. 

A. faulty building construction B. an earthquake"s strength

C. widespread panic in earthquakes D. ineffective instruments

3. The United Nation"s experts are supposed to______.

A. construct strong buildings B. put forward proposals

C. detect disastrous earthquakes D. monitor earthquakes

4. The significance of the slow speed of tsunamis is that people may______.

A. notice them out at sea B. find ways to stop them

C. be warned early enough D. develop warning systems



People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were painted by people who hunted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they were painted there. Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.

About 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet.

The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting picture writing and pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried. Some of these pictures are like modern comic strip stories. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it.

By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet. The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.

These days, we can write down a story, or record information, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds: drawing, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the street, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting.

5. Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because______.

A. the hunters wanted to see the pictures

B. the painters were animal lovers

C. the painters wanted to show imagination

D. the pictures were thought to be helpful

6. The Greek alphabet was simpler than the Egyptian system for all the following reasons EXCEPT that______.

A. the former was easy to write

B. there were fewer signs in the former

C. the former was easy to pronounce

D. each sign stood for only one sound

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The Egyptian signs later became a particular alphabet.

B. The Egyptians liked to write comic strip stories.

C. The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one.

D. The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyptians.

8. In the last paragraph, the author thinks that pictures ______.

A. should be made comprehensible

B. should be made interesting

C. are of much use in our life

D. have disappeared from our life


It is not polite to arrive at a dinner party more than 15 to 20 minutes late.The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before1 the meal.If someone is late,the food may be spoiled,and so might the host or hostess’s 2 .If you have to be late,call and tell them to 3 you.

It’s even 4 to be early!The host or hostess will probably not be 5 .If you are early,drive or walk around the block a few times,or just sit in your car 6 the right time.

Though it’s often important to arrive on time,yet 7 ,for open houses,the host or hostess invites guests to arrive and leave 8 certain time so you can arrive at any time 9 the time he or she gives you.

It’s nice to bring an empty stomach,but it’s even nicer to bring a small present. The present should not cost 10 , or you might embarrass the host or hostess.Flowers,wine,or a box of candy will 11 .Never bring money as a present.

In an introduction,the order of a name:(l)the given name,(2)the family name.In other words,the given name comes12 .It’s important not only to learn and remember names,but to 13 them often in conversation.After the 14 ,we usually call friends by their given names. 15 may want you call them by their titles and16,such as “Ms. Jones”, “Mrs. Smith”, “Ms. Johnson” or “Dr. Brown”.A maiden name is a woman’s family name 17 .In the United States and Canada,after a woman marries,she 18 the family name of her husband19 her maiden name.It is now becoming 20 ,however,for women to keep their maiden names after they get married.


1. The manager has a good business, so the company is doing well.

A. idea B. sense

C. though D. thinking

2. The three sisters decided to hold a family party to their parents’ silver wedding.

A. celebrate B. memorize

C. congratulate D. welcome

3. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as B. which

C. what D. that

4. —Do you think I should get a good guide book?

—Yes, of course., you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.

A. What’s more B. In other words

C. By the way D. All in all

5. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I your advice.

A. followed B. would follow

C. had followed D. should follow

6. The sign reads “In case of fire, break the glass and push red button”.

A. /;a B. /; the

C. the; the D. a; a

7. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. who have taken it?

A. should B. must

C. could D. would

8. made the school proud was more than 90% of the students had been admitted to

key universities.

A. What ; because B. What ; that

C. That ; what D. That ; because

9. be sent to work there?

A. Who do you suggest

B. Who do you suggest that should

C. Do you suggest who should

D .Do you suggest whom should

10. —The boys aren"t doing a good job at all, are they? —.

A.I guess not so B.I don’t guess

C.I don’t guess so D.I guess not

11. How I wish every familya large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has B. had

C. will have D. had had

12. Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

13. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare—you must learn to .

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

14. Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard , , you failed.

A. in the end B. after all

C. in other word D. at the same time

15. You didn’t let me drive. If we in turn, you so tired.

A. drove; didn’t get B. drove; wouldn’t get

C. driving; wouldn’t get D. had driven; wouldn’t have got



1. C) 可用排除法来找出此题的答案。题干要求找出无法从文章中得出结论的一项。根据文章第一段第一句到第三句可知“随着深度的增加,地震的数量随之减少”,可得出结论选项A“地震的数量和深度密切相关”,故排除。根据文章第一段中“…… in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much.”(接近地表处地震的发生频率可高达每月一百多次,但是年平均地震数量却变化不大。)可排除选项 B. Roughly the same number of earthquakes occur each year.(每年发生的地震数量大致相同);根据文章第一段可得出以下结论:地震主要发生在离地表十五公里的范围之内,尽管深达460公里的深处也有地震发生,但是每隔几年才发生一次。故可排除选项D Earthquakes are most likely to occur near the surfaces.(地震主要发生在地表处)。综上可知,选项 C 为正确答案。

2. A) 文章第二段首先举例说明运用不同的建筑方法和材料所修建的房屋的抗震能力是不同的,进而就提到了发生在摩洛哥Agadir的地震虽然震级不大,却摧毁了整个城市,而许多更强烈的地震所造成的损失却很小,由此作者得出结论:如果建筑物修建得好并且建在坚固的地面上,那么它就能抵御地震;地震中大多数的死亡是由于不良的建筑结构或不当的建筑地点造成的。由此可知作者引用摩洛哥的 Agadir的毁灭主要是要说明不良的建筑结构(faulty building construction),故选项A为正确答案。

3. B) 根据文章第三段可知,联合国在地震减灾方面起到了非常重要的作用,它派出了许多地震专家到饱受地震袭扰的国家,与当地的地质学家和工程师一起研究当地的地质构造及适合当地的实用的建筑法规,并且如果这些专家提出的建议得到采纳,灾难性的地震就会成为历史。因此这四个选项中,最合适的是 B put forward proposals “提出建议”,故其为正确答案。


4. C 根据文章最后一段,海啸的移动速度缓慢,使人们得以及早发现,以提前向沿岸的居民发出警告,离开海边到高地去,但是人们却无法阻止到来的巨浪。故选项C be warned early enough为正确答案。

5. D 根据文章第一段第五行 “Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals.” 可知古代人以为在墙上画画会对他们有所帮助,故选项D为正确答案。

6. C 在做此类题时要注意题干的要求。通过阅读文章第四段很清楚就知道选项C “前者容易发音”在文中没有提及,故为正确答案。

7. A 可用排除法来做本题。通过阅读文章很清楚选项B和D为错误陈述。选项C “罗马字母是从埃及字母发展而来的”根据文章第四段第四,五句可知为错误论述,因此只有选项A为正确答案。

8. C 文章最后一段讲述了图画在今天的用途,故选项C为正确答案


1-5 BBDCD 6-10 ABAAC 11-15 DCBCA 16-20 CDDBD


1.解析:sense 意为 “(对价值的)辨别;理解,领悟”,如:a person with no sense of direction 答案:B

2.解析:congratulate和 welcome的宾语一般为人。举办家庭宴会不应是为了记住(memorize), 而是为了庆贺(celebrate)父母的银婚。答案:A

3.解析:I thought 是插入语,如去掉 I thought,at后应该是一个宾语从句, was前缺主语。 as不充当主语,that 不充当成分,故排除A、D两项。再根据句意,应选what。答案:C

4解析:what’s more意为“而且”,in other words意为“换言之”,by the way意为“顺便说”,all in all意为“大体来说”。根据also的出现和问话与答语的递进关系可知应选A。答案:A

5.解析:“If only ...” 是一个虚拟语气结构,意为“要是…该多好”。如果与现在事实相反,用一般过去时;如果与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时。本题意为“要是我当初听从你的忠告就好了”。答案:C

6.解析:fire作“火,起火”时为不可数,前面不需用冠词;red button需要特指,应用定冠词。答案:B

7.解析:第二句话显然是测试对过去事实的一种推测,意为 “谁可能拿走了我的字典?”“should have done”表示 “本应该做某事”,“must have done”表示“一定做过(某事)”,用于虚拟语气;“could have done”表示“可能做过(某事)”,表示推测。答案:C

8.解析:was之前为主语从句,从句缺乏主语, 故选what。was之后为表语从句,从句不缺成分,故选that。答案:B

9.解析:由do you think(suppose,suggest...) 所引起的宾语从句,如过其连接词是wh-类的词, 语法上要求将这些词置于do之前,而这时的宾语从句不能再有其他连接词。 答案:A

10.解析:think,suppose,guess等一些思维性动词,作肯定回答时用 “I think(suppose,guess) so.”;作否定回答时有两种:一种为“I don’t(suppose,guess) so.” 另一种为 “I think(suppose,guess) not.”其他形式被认为是不正确的。答案:D



13.解析:两人共同玩你的玩具是“分享,共用”。《朗文当代高级英语辞典》上的原句为:Children should be taught to share their joys.应教育孩子们愿意把自己的玩具分给其他孩子玩。A、B、C三个选项与句意不符。答案:D

14.解析:本题考查介词短语作为连接性附加状语的用法。in the end 表示“最后,终于”;after all 意为“毕竟,终究”;at the same time 除可表示“同时”外,还可引出相关的评论或附加的加强性信息,表示“尽管如此,然而”。从语境看,意思应该为“换句话说,也就是说”。答案:C

15. 解析:这是虚拟语气,条件和结果都是讲过去的事,要套公式If had+过去分词,...would(或could, might, should 等)+have+过去分词...”。答案:D

